Weekly Overview:
This week, you will present your SEEi speech deliveries and begin on your next speech - the explanation speech. Please keep in mind that next week, we will not be meeting in class (work week); however, you should use your time wisely next week to continue working on your Explain Speech assignment.
After presenting your SEEi speech this week in class, you will record your Video Reflection based on your SEEi Speech. Please keep in mind that this is due by June 21st at 11:00pm. In this reflection, you should cover all three aspects of the process: speech preparation, presentation, and your role as an audience member. Refer to page 205 in your textbook for more tips on how to organize your video reflection.
In this week's module, you are to review the explain speech assignment, choose your topic, begin your research and develop your outline, and submit your outline to the speaker's lab mentor by Thursday at 11pm. Please be sure to submit your outline for your explain speech to the speaker's lab assignment by Thursday at 11pm. You will receive feedback from your speaker's lab mentor by the following Monday at 5pm. Then next week, you will take the feedback and fine tune your outline.
In addition to researching and completing your rough draft of your explain speech outline , you have some course readings and videos to watch. You should read sections (2.5 - 2.8). We have also developed a few videos to help you better understand some of the concepts. You also have Quiz #2 to take on these assigned readings. Please make sure you have read the material and watched the supplemental videos prior to taking the quiz. The quiz should be submitted before Sunday, June 21st at 11:00pm.
Don't forget that your next weekly discussion board post due this Thursday, with 2 replies due by Saturday evening at 11pm.
Have a great week and if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask for help!