Week 06: Instructor Overview


calendar_alt_stroke_16x16.png  Weekly Overview:

This week, we will not be meeting in the virtual classroom, however, you should use this week as your work week to continue working on your Explain Speech assignments. You will receive feedback from your explain speech speaker's lab assignment by Monday at 5pm. Once you get your feedback, you should look over the feedback and make the suggested changes to your outlines. Once you have your outline in a final draft form, please begin on writing your audience adaptation papers and developing your PowerPoint presentation for your speech.

Once you have completed the final draft of your Explain Speech outline and the audience adaptation and PowerPoint presentations, you should begin practicing presenting your speech to your family and/or friends. Remember, only practice helps us get better. You should practice presenting your speech about 4-5 times before coming to class to present your speech. You should have someone time you as well, since this is a timed speech.

Please keep in mind this week, you also have some required readings to complete in your textbook (Sections 2.9-2.11) and some supplemental videos you should watch to prepare you for Quiz #3 that you will take by Sunday at 11pm. You also have your discussion board post to respond to by this Thursday, and then two replies to your classmates posts by Sunday at 11pm. Please jump in there early in the week and respond so you don't get behind.

After you have presented your Explain speech next week, you will review the recording of your delivery and record a video self reflection on your explanation speech. 


Good Luck this week and if you have any questions/concerns, please don't hesitate to message me through canvas!