Week 08: Instructor Overview
Weekly Overview:
Last week, you presented your explain speeches and was asked to review the Persuasive Unit (Sections 3.1-3.2) in preparation for this week's workshop class. In this week's persuasive unit workshop, we will introduce you to persuasive speaking and the next two speeches (Question of Fact and Question of Policy: MMS) you will be working on over the next couple weeks. We will begin with your Question of Fact Speech.
This week, you will begin by begining your Question of Fact speech outline. You will turn in your Question of Fact (QofF) speech outline to your speaker's lab mentor by this Thursday at 11pm. Your speech mentor will offer feedback and suggestions for improvement by the following Monday.
While working on your Question of Fact outline, you also need to start working on the Audience Adaptation paper that is due July 16th at 11pm.
Finally, you have your discussion board posts that are due this week. Remember, your initial response to your discussion board post must be completed by Thursday at 11pm. You must also respond to at least two of your classmates posts from Friday until Sunday at 11pm to receive credit. These posts are worth up to 6 points credit. You can earn up to 3 points for your initial response and then up to 3 points for your replies to your classmates posts.
As you begin this next speech, should you have any questions, feel free to let me know.
Thanks and Good Luck!