Week 09: Instructor Overview

The semester is moving along quickly with just a few weeks to go. This week, we will not be meeting in the online classroom. You should use this week to focus on revising your Question of Fact Speech Outline. Remember, your final outline will be due on Sunday by 11pm. The speech mentor should have your feedback to you by the end of the day today. If you have not received the feedback, please let your instructor know so we can help you.


Required Readings and Lecture Videos

This week, you also have some required readings and lecture videos (Sections 3.9 - 3.12) to review. Please make sure you have read over the material and watched the videos as you will have Quiz #4 next week. 


Discussion Board Posts

You have a discussion board post to work on this week also. Remember, your initial response to the discussion board should be completed by Thursday at 11pm, and then you should respond to at least two of your classmates posts between Friday and Sunday at 11pm.


Audience Adaptation Paper due this week:

Last week, we assigned your Audience Adaptation paper. It is due this Thursday by 11pm. Please make sure that you upload that to the assignments tab in canvas.


What is due this Week?

  • Audience Adaptation Paper due by Thursday at 11pm
  • Discussion Board Initial Response due by Thursday at 11pm
  • Discussion Board Classmates Response (2) due by Sunday at 11pm
  • Question of Fact Speech Outline (Final Draft) due by Sunday at 11pm
  • PowerPoint for Question of Fact Speech due by Sunday at 11pm


Remember, we are not meeting in the online classroom this week. This is your Work Week to finish up your Question of Fact Final Outlines that are due by Sunday at 11pm with your PowerPoint (visual aids). You need to make sure to use your time wisely this week. If you have any questions at all, please reach out to your instructor through canvas messaging.


Good Luck!