Submit - Final Draft of Explain Speech Outline (Final)
DueJun 29, 2015 by
Submittinga file upload
For this assignment, you were asked to previously submit your rough draft to the speaker's lab assignment and receive feedback from the speaker's lab mentor. You should have received feedback from the mentor and made any and all changes to your outline. Once your explain speech outline is in final draft form, please upload your assignment for grading to this tab.
Remember, your final draft of your explain speech outline is NOW DUE by Monday, June 29 at noon.
Can't change a rubric once you've started using it.
EXEMPLARY: In addition to satisfactory, thorough development of content, which includes: Well-written main points; Main points well-supported with compelling examples, stories
SATISFACTORY: Outline: Use three-column outline format correctly; Identifies distinct main points appropriate for audience and purpose; Connects content development to speech chosen
EXEMPLARY: Introduction includes: Motivating attention-getter that creates desire to listen; Highly important topic; Unique, creative personal credibility; Unique, creative and powerful thesis; Introduction well-developed, satisfying for audience, topic and purpose
SATISFACTORY: Introduction includes: Attention-getting device connecting topic to audience; Statement on importance of topic for audience; Speaker credibility; Concrete thesis
NEEDS DEVELOPMENT: Introduces topic in some way, but introduction may lack: Attention-getter; Clear thesis; Purpose; Audience connection and/or development
EXEMPLARY: The outline: Relies on exceptionally clear, logical progression within/between ideas; Organization is compelling and moves audience through speech with ease
SATISFACTORY: The outline: Relies on a reasonably clear and logical progression within and between ideas; Body reflects adequate clarity in organization; Is easy to follow, ideas adequately connected
DEFICIENT: The outline: Fails to provide a reasonably clear and logical progression within and among ideas; Fails to leave audience with a clear message; Lacks transitions or connections
This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Conclusion: Is inconsistently tied to some information discussed; May lack reference to thesis, review of main points, or thought-provoking final statement
EXEMPLARY: Outline relies on: Language that is exceptionally clear, inclusive, vivid and appropriate; Language that enhances audience comprehension and enthusiasm for thesis; Creativity; Strong standards of grammar and usage
DEFICIENT: Outline relies on: Unclear or inappropriate language; undefined jargon; language that is not inclusive. Language lacks attention to audience and/or purpose.
This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.