Week 01: Course Readings and Lecture Videos

Reading Material

This week you will be reading Sections 1.1 - 1.4 in your course textbook. Please make sure that you are reading for comprehension, because you will be required to take a quiz on the sections you have read this week.


If you haven't purchased your textbook as of yet, please do so quickly. Just because you haven't purchased your textbook yet, doesn't give you the excuse to not read your assigned chapters this week. The course book is available at the university bookstore. The textbook is called Fundamentals of Speech Communication. The ISBN # is: 978-073805984-6.


Assigned Readings for Week #1:

Section 1.1 - Preparing your Speech - Introduction

Section 1.2 - The Communication Process

Section 1.3 - Communication Apprehension

Section 1.4 - Culture Matters


Watch these videos:


Section 1.2 - The Communication Process.m4v Download Section 1.2 - The Communication Process.m4vPlay media comment.

Section 1.3 - Communication Apprehension.m4v Download Section 1.3 - Communication Apprehension.m4vPlay media comment.

Section 1.4 - CultureMatters.m4v Download Section 1.4 - CultureMatters.m4vPlay media comment.