Week 01: Instructor Overview

Insert Instructor Video Here!

(Click on the film strip in the toolbar and record your welcome message

and overview of what the week will cover.)


For this week, please familiarize yourself with our course and complete the activities in the introduction and week one modules. You will start working on your introduction speech, complete an assignment with the speaker's lab, participate in our weekly discussion board, and complete your first quiz. We meet seven times for this course. We do not meet either this week or next. 

Tips to get you going: Watch the instructor video (see link above). Read through the text and syllabus early and look at our outline and directions for the Proverb speech: this sets you up to prepare your outline for that Speaker's Lab Assignment. Once you have your early deadlines underway (outline submission for the lab and initial post for the discussion), watch our mentor's introduction and study for your quiz!

We don't meet online this week, but you do have work to complete:
• Read the Introduction to Course!
• Review Canvas Module for Week #1
• Introduce / Assign Speech 1: Outline This Week, Recording Next
• Complete Introduction Speech Speaker’s Lab assignment
• Read section 1.1-1.4 in the textbook.
• Weekly discussion board posting due Thursday @ 11 pm, Minimum of 2
responses due by Saturday @ 11 pm.
• Introduction Speech Outline due by Sunday, May 24 @ 11PM
• Quiz #1 (sections 1.1-1.4) due by Sunday, May 24 @ 11PM