Culture Jamming, Tactical Media, Race, Class, Gender, and Activism!
- Due No Due Date
- Points 5
- Submitting a discussion post
Wow. That title says a lot! Welcome to the discussion forum for "Culture Jamming, Tactical Media, Race, Class, Gender, and Activism!" The topic for this week's discussion forum is as follows:
Your mission, should you choose to accept it (and you kinda have to accept it to be graded), is to create a post of no less than 150 words and referencing at least 3 readings from the course that tackles the following challenge --
In a hypothetical Selfie Art Fair, what project could be produced that would serve as a form of culture jamming, tactical media, or other media activism that communicates something important about Race, Class, and/or Gender?
That's a big challenge. You will have until September 27th at 11:59 p.m. to complete this challenge.
Here's a rubric:
Refined (5 points) |
Developing (3 points) |
Novice (1 or 0 points) |
Activity: |
4 or more replies are given to other student's work |
2-3 replies |
Minimal feedback given to other classmates. |
Content Understanding: |
Has posted an advanced version of assignment, including at least a 150 word response. |
Has a somewhat prepared version of assignment that is lacking in development. |
The assignment is not well prepared, lacking and needs significant work. |
Interaction |
Consistently advances discussion with questions and/or sharing of resources that insures others have a reason and purpose to respond and advance dialogue. |
Sometimes initiates replies to discussion that include questions or sharing of resources that may help to advance conversation. |
Rarely initiates discussion post and replies to discussion include questions or sharing of resources. Posting rarely advances conversation. |
Mechanics |
Presentation is professional looking with no grammatical or spelling errors. |
Presentation is somewhat professional looking and has a few grammatical errors. |
Presentation is not professional looking and has quite a few grammatical errors. |