Final Portfolio
- Due No Due Date
- Points 15
- Submitting a text entry box, a website url, or a file upload
15 points for the final assignment: An explanation and a rubric
December 7th - 9th is the set date for the inaugural #Selfie Art Fair. You are tasked to create a project that engages with the course content, but that also helps you advance in work that you may want to do beyond the course.
This is why, for this project, you will create a digital portfolio and feature artifacts from this class project in your beginning portfolio.
I am only blatantly appropriating from work that other universities have already done. For example: University of Northern Iowa (Links to an external site.) for their teachers-in-training and University of Wisconsin-Stout (Links to an external site.).
I will most blatantly appropriate from U of W for the rubric.
1.) The portfolio must contain artifacts showing your work from the initial stages of the project to artifacts that show the completed project.
5 points
2.) A personal narrative that explains the reason you chose the project, an explanation of your interests, and the theory or theories that inform your work must be present.
5 points
3.) The digital portfolio must adhere to professional standards for writing, grammar, and visual presentation. These core ideas begin with S121, but you should be able to demonstrate your understanding of these principles as an advanced student of communication.
5 points
0 points - Assignment is missing
1 - 2 points - Portion of assignment is missing
3 - 4 points - Assignment completes the task but may have minor errors or is lacking in development
5 points - Assignment meets and exceeds expectations in all areas