Student Cultural Interview Paper
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Student Cultural Interview Paper
Part 2 –Who Are Your Students?
For this assignment, you will interview a student using the same cultural attributes you used in writing your cultural autobiographical paper.
The Interview
Identify a student in your student teaching experience class to interview. Ideally, the student could be someone who you view to be culturally different from you. You may choose to define what "difference" would be and may be based on any number of things: ethnicity, race, religious, class, gender, age, generation, sexual orientation, health status, etc. It is not uncommon to identify a student who you initially believe is different from you then learn they are very similar to you. The reverse is also true.
Interviewing Tips
• Contact the student you wish to interview, telling him or her about the interview. You may decide to give the student a copy of the questions prior to the interview.
• Please note that the student you are interviewing has the choice about participating in this interview so do not assume you can complete this assignment in one day.
• Note that the age of the student and the context will influence their responses so prepare your questions in advance. Decide what question you want to ask and review the way you word the questions.
• As you get into the interview, you will want to ask many follow-up questions about the attributes that are interesting for your student so for each question, prepare probing question.
• Find a quiet place to conduct the interview, remember to tell the students their responses are confidential, and will not be shared with anyone. It is critical that you do this prior to asking questions.
• Take notes during the interview. If you choose to use a voice recorder, ask the students first. Do not be surprised or upset if they say no or decide not to participate in the interview.
• For some students this is the first time they are thinking about these attributes, so be patient, give them time and consider following up on their responses.
Use the following disclaimer with students:
• Explain this interview is for class and that their participation will help you complete your assignment.
• State to students, ”At any time, you can stop the interview and never return to it. You do not have to do it if you feel uncomfortable. You can refuse to answer any question at any time. For example, if I have three questions, you can choose to answer only two.
• Also inform them you will only use their first name, not their last. Explain what confidentiality is and affirm the only other person who will read the answers is your professor.
• For more tips, review Power Point in resources section or view podcast.
General Notes
Your paper should include their responses to each attribute and an explanation about what you learned about them. The second section of your paper should include a comparative analysis or an interpretation of your culture and your interviewee’s culture. As you review their responses, note repeating themes or parallels to your autobiography. Make general conclusions about both cultures with a focus on education, specifically teaching and learning. Demonstrate how you came to these conclusions and support your ideas by citing specific concepts we discussed in this course in your paper.
Attributes of Culture
• How is race evident in your life?
• Is it something you think about on a daily basis?
• What benefits do you have in this country because of your race?
• How has race affected your learning and social experience/s?
• How is gender evident in your life?
• Is it something you think about on a daily basis?
• What benefits do you have in society due to your gender?
• How has gender affected your learning and social experience/s?
Social Class
• How is social class evident in your life?
• Is it something you think about on a daily basis?
• What benefits do you get because of your social class?
• How has social class affected your life experience/s?
• How did you learn about your ethnicity and nationality?
• How are the concepts of ethnicity and nationality evident in your life?
• Is it something you think about on a daily basis?
• How have ethnicity and nationality affected your educational and social experience/s?
• How is religion or spirituality evident in your life?
• Is it something you think about on a daily basis?
• How have religion and/or spirituality affected your life experience/s?
• Is your religion a dominant entity in this country?
Geographic Location
• How is geographic or regional identity evident in your life?
• Is it something you think about on a daily basis?
• How has geographic location affected your life experience/s?
• What values do you consider typical of the region where you currently live?
• How is age evident in your life?
• Is it something you think about on a daily basis?
• How has age affected your life experience/s?
• Is age a factor you think will influence your teaching?
• How is language evident in your life?
• Is it something you think about on a daily basis?
• How has language affected your life experience/s?
• Define the best way you communicate with others.
• How is literacy evident in your life?
• Is literacy something you think about on a daily basis?
• How have your literacies affected your life experience/s?