C228 Introduction to Production Practices and Techniques
Indiana University Media School
Fall 2015 Syllabus
Times & Locations
Lecture - RTV 251
31351 Monday 2:30pm-4pm Steve Myers
Lab Sections - Production Lab / Studio 5
31352 Tuesday 8am-12pm Josh Coonrod
31353 Tuesday 8am-12pm Shawn Keller
31354 Tuesday 1pm-5pm Tyler Andrews
31355 Tuesday 1pm-5pm Nathan Erdel
31356 Thursday 8am-12pm Josh Coonrod
31357 Thursday 8am-12pm Todd Gould
31358 Thursday 1pm-5pm Tyler Andrews
31359 Thursday 1pm-5pm Shawn Keller
Steve Myers Office Hours - RTV 335 or Production Lab
Mondays, 10am-11pm & 4pm-5pm
Contact Info
Steve Myers - myerssm@indiana.edu
Tyler Andrews - ptandrew@indiana.edu
Josh Coonrod - jcoonrod@indiana.edu
Nathan Erdel - nerdel@indiana.edu
Shawn Keller - sakeller@indiana.edu
Todd Gould - rotgould@indiana.edu
Required Materials: SanDisk SDHC Card (class 3 or faster) (8GB or larger)
Recommended: External hard drive as a portable backup
Course Description
C228 is an introductory hands-on video production course. Building on the pre-production materials and theory of C223 (formerly T206), students will concept, develop, shoot, edit and deliver their own original video productions for various purposes, audiences and clients.
Students will communicate using industry vocabulary as they work together to complete weekly deliverables.
Expect to:
- Collaborate with your classmates each week
- Handle expensive gear
- Gain a better understanding of your own talents and preferences
- Have your work critiqued by both other students and instructors
Class Policies
Attendance is mandatory. Due to the nature of production, no excuses or doctors notes will be accepted. For extraordinary personal circumstances, speak to your instructor, in person, as fast as humanly possible. Because we understand that illnesses happen, you have one free miss in lab and one free miss in lecture with no penalty. After the free miss, your final grade will be lowered by 5pts for every absence thereafter.
2 Extra credit points are awarded for perfect attendance. Missing any class for any reason will disqualify you from earning this extra credit.
Special Needs
Anyone with a special need must schedule a meeting with me by the second week of the semester.
You will be evaluated individually and as a member of a team throughout the semester. Lab activities and most assignments cannot be made up. It’s also not possible for your lab instructor to cover all the material missed in a 4-hour lab.
A = Exceptional Work C = Average Work, Acceptable
B = Above Average, Very Good Work D = Below Average Work, Needs Improvement
Copyrighted Material is a complex and a major part of the creative process. Using other people’s published music, sound and images could be considered fair use as you are developing content for educational purposes. However, if you intend to post your projects online, you could be liable for copyright infringement. While creating your own music, sound and images is preferred, crediting your source and asking permission from the copyright holder is essential to avoid lawsuits and plagiarism. IU's Policy on Plagiarism states "a student must give credit to the originality of others and acknowledge indebtedness whenever he or she... uses another person's idea, opinion, or theory." The university penalties are severe. You must abide by IU's Plagiarism Policy: http://acp.indiana.edu/IUPolicyOnPlagiarism Links to an external site.
Changes may be made of the syllabus and schedule at any time; reasonable notice will be given to students.
Content Blacklist
Under no circumstances may you include a gun in your productions.
Under no circumstances may you shoot inside a public bathroom; it is illegal.
Class Equipment Allotment
This class entitles you to check out gear for the exclusion of C228 projects. Checking gear out for other reasons will result in the loss of equipment checkout purposes. When checking out gear, you must have your student ID, and you must return the gear before the 4 hour time limit. Here is the list of equipment you are entitled to check out if it is available:
Production Equipment
- Sony HXR-NX5U HD Camera
- Tripod (Manfrotto 458B)
- Reflector (Wescott Silver/White Illuminator)
- Sony battery (small, medium, large)
- Slate & dry erase marker
- White balance card
- Runbag
- Multicard Reader
Audio Equipment
- Wired lavaliere mic (Sony Electric Condenser Microphone ECM-44B)
- Wireless lavaliere mic (Sennheiser Wireless EW 100 G3)
- Shotgun mic (Audio Technica Condenser Microphone AT835B)
- Fish pole/boom pole (Gitzo GB0330 with Audio-Technica At8410a mount)
- Zoom H4n Recorder o XLR cable (8ft, 15ft, 35ft, 50ft)
- Samson Stereo Headphones (1/8”)
You may check out a Lowel light-kit by using the special request form at least 3 days before your shoot. Your request may or may not be approved. Instructions for this form can be found online.
Equipment Costs
Our gear is expensive. If gear is lost, stolen or damaged, you are responsible for its replacement. The building supervisor may charge your bursar account for their cost. Here are general prices for some of the gear that you are handling:
- Sony NX5 - $6000
- Miller Tripods - $1400
- Bogen Tripods - $600
- Lowell Light - $400
- Lowell Light Kit - $1200
- Sony Lavaliere Mic - $200
- AT Shotgun - $450
- Zoom Recorder - $300
- Camera Battery - $150
- XLR Cables - $15-50
- Headphones - $40
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |