7.9 Assignment: Value-Based Methods of Textual Interpretation
- Due No Due Date
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- File Types doc and pdf
At this point in time, please research (online or in the library) a number of important modern methods of textual interpretation. These could be called "value-based" methods because they approach a given text from a certain perspective and they try to achieve a certain goal. You need to write a short paper (1-2 pages) and answer the following questions:
The goal of a law and morality approach could be summarized as...?
The goal of a critical legal studies approach could be summarized as...?
The goal of a feminist legal studies approach could be summarized as...?
The goal of an economic analysis of law approach could be summarized as...?
Don't forget that whenever you are writing anything, you are subject to the rules about giving credit to your sources by citing them (in the text or in footnotes) and about identifying actual words or passages taken from such sources by putting them in 'inverted commas' or "quotation marks"!