Taking Quizzes and Exams
Practice quizzes and exams, as well as regular quizzes and exams, are all taken in Canvas using the Quizzes page. Practice quizzes and exams can be taken multiple times and are not linked to the gradebook. In general, graded quizzes and exams can only be taken once. In most courses, you have the option to re-take the first major exam.
When you take the exam, you will login to Canvas (so be sure you know the web address and your login username/password), go to Quizzes, and select the exam. Canvas will prompt you for the access code and the proctor will enter it. If the exam is taken on paper, the proctor will download the exam and print it out for you. Then they will scan and upload the completed exam back into Canvas. Otherwise, you simply answer the questions as presented within Canvas. When the exam is completed, click "Submit" just as with an assignment.
Click here to learn about exams with audio files.
In most courses, one you submit your exam Canvas will reveal your responses along with any automated grading. So True/False, Multiple Choice, Matching questions etc. will all be shown as either correct or incorrect. Note that you will have received no points (yet) for items that need to be graded by your teacher. You will need to wait and return once he or she has done the grading to see your final score.
If you have questions about what you missed or why certain responses were incorrect, be sure to contact your teacher.