
Assignments Page

The Assignments page shows not just the assignments but also the quizzes and exams. The default view is also to show them organized by Date. This results in a rather jumbled view of assignments, quizzes and exams. This can be fixed by clicking the button shown below, to organize them by Type. (This button is located at the top right of the assignments page.)

 Show by date (graphic)Show by type (graphic)


Submitting Assignments

Every assignment either contains the instructions for the assignment or refers to the relevant lesson discussion page for the assignment, depending on the course. Most often you will download either a Word file or a PDF document. You can either complete the work in the Word file and save it, or you can complete the work by hand on the printed out PDF, then scan and save your work as a PDF.

Either way, almost all assignments are submitted as a document that you upload to Canvas. The upload instructions are typically similar to the following:

When you are ready to upload and submit your Word document, click "Submit Assignment" at the top right of the assignment page. In the “File Upload” area, click "Browse" to find your file. Select the file and click "Open." Finally, click “Submit Assignment.”

When uploading, you will see something similar to the image below:

Canvas file submission graphics

The easiest method to upload is to simply grab the file icon and drag it to the "Drag a file here" box. Otherwise, "Choose a File to upload" lets you look at files in your computer to select the correct one to submit. "Add Another File" lets you submit more than one file, if necessary. You can include a comment for your instructor in the Comments box, if you choose. "Submit Assignment" is the last step.

When you successfully submit an assignment you will see the Submitted check-mark symbol as shown below:

AA Submitted2.JPG

Should you find you've submitted something incorrectly, click the "Re-submit Assignment" button to try again (ideally before the instructor grades it!) You can click on "Submission Details" to see more information about your submission, or click the "Download" link to see the document you uploaded (if you have any doubts about it).

Once your assignment is graded, your score will appear in the Grades page. Any comments your instructor leaves will show up in the comments area (as shown above), and you can see more detailed feedback by clicking on "Submission Details". If you then click on "View Feedback" at the top-right, this will normally show your submitted work with instructor feedback shown next to it.


Please be aware that once an assignment has been graded, you are not permitted to resubmit it without your instructor's specific permission.