Most IU High School Independent courses are organized into Lessons. There are typically eight to twelve lessons and there are links to every lesson on the course Syllabus page. An Introduction to the course is also provided that outlines the objectives and content of the course, discusses the design of the lessons, and explains the grading policy of the course.
A typical lesson begins by stating the Objectives of that lesson, followed by the Reading Assignment. Next will be an Overview section, which is typically a series of web pages outlining the main points of the lesson material and often includes links to supplemental online resources or any online textbook material that is part of the course. The Overview can be considered the equivalent of a classroom lecture. Following the Overview there may be some kind of practice activity or practice quiz, and there also may be some discussion of what to do for the lesson's assignment.
While there is some variety in our Independent courses, most have one Assignment per lesson. Each assignment will explain in detail what is to be done, and will have questions or tasks to complete that relate to the lesson's topic. This is your chance to evaluate for yourself and your instructor how well you have learned the lesson materials, how they relate to what you've learned in other lessons or even other courses, and to develop your critical thinking skills. Do your best on every Assignment. This is also the best preparation for the course Exams.
Many Independent courses have a Quiz for each lesson, which may be either graded or ungraded. All quizzes (and Exams) are found by clicking on Quizzes in the Navigation window at left, or by following the link in the Syllabus.
Most courses also have exams, usually a Midterm and a Final Exam. Unless otherwise specified in the course, all exams are proctored. To take an exam, be sure you have completed all assignments and quizzes that precede the exam, then click the "Exam Application" link in the Syllabus, complete it, and submit it according to the instructions.
All lessons, assignments, quizzes etc. are displayed in the course syllabus. The syllabus will also contain a link to useful information, including a spreadsheet for calculating when to turn in assignments when you need to complete a course by a specific date. You can download the spreadsheet here Download here.
Please note that it is IU High School policy Links to an external site. that students can only submit up to two lesson assignments at a time. If you try to submit additional lessons, Canvas will block your access until previous assignments have been submitted and graded. Access to blocked assignments cannot be granted to individual students, so please do not request this.