Demo Biology, (Cooperative)

Home Page


Welcome to the Demo version of this IUHS course.

Please feel free to explore the various pages and information links. Note that this demo version has no Grades or Quizzes, and little other lesson content except for this introductory material. 

Instructor Information

  • Instructor:  Jody Duncan

Course Description

In this course, you will explore scientific method, biochemistry, cells, photosynthesis, mitosis, meiosis, heredity and protein synthesis. You will look at current biological discoveries and expand beyond the textbook through a multitude of explorations. In addition, you will interact with your classmates to provide feedback, questions, and commenting to enhance everyone's learning.  There will also be three unit assessments.  You may find these Tips and Tools for Success useful.

First Semester Biology covers the following topics:

Module 1 - Life (Biology and the 21st Century, Chemistry of Life)

Module 2 - Cells (Cell Structure and Function, Cells and Energy, Cell Growth and Division)

Module 3 - Genetics (Meiosis and Mendel, Extending Mendelian Genetics, From DNA to proteins)

Second Semester Biology covers the following topics:

Module 4 - Genetics (Frontiers of Biotechnology)

Module 5 - Evolution (Principals of Evolution, Evolution of Populations, History of Life)

Module 6 - Ecology (Principals of Ecology, Interactions in Ecosystems, the Biosphere, Human Impact on Ecosystems, )

Course Navigation

This course is organized by modules, all accessed from the Modules page at left.  In each module, you will find lessons, assignments, discussion topics, self-assessment opportunities (ungraded), and a module assessment (a graded quiz, found in the Quizzes page).  You should go through the modules and the content in each module in the order in which it is presented.   


There is no set schedule for this course. You must take at least six weeks to finish, and cannot take longer than six months.

The course is designed to be completed in approximately four months, assuming you complete two assignments per week and take a week for preparing for and taking each assessment. If you find you are moving much slower than this, make sure you pay attention to when your course times out.

Grade Determination

Module 1 (6 Lessons of 100 points each, 1 Assessment (unproctored) covering Chapters 1 and 2)
Module 2 (9 Lessons of 100 points each, 1 Assessment (proctored) covering Chapters 3, 4 and 5)
Module 3 (8 Lessons of 100 points each, 1 Assessment (proctored) covering Chapters 6, 7 and 8)

Modules will account for a total of 45% of the Course Grade
Virtual Investigation labs will account for 10% of the Course Grade
Quizzes (the three Assessments) will account for 45% of the Course Grade (per IUHS policy, students must average 60% or higher on the proctored exams/assessments to pass the course).

All grades are calculated as follows:

Standard IUHS grade scale


Holt McDougal Biology Premium Interactive Online Edition (free)
Grades:9-12; ISBN-13/EAN: 9780544852815; Copyright 2017.

The same online textbook is used for both first and second semester courses. 

Please e-mail IUHS ( with "Biology textbook" as the subject line, and we will add you to the IU class site for free access to the textbook. Please include your first and last name in the e-mail.
If you wish to purchase a traditional printed textbook, that ISBN-13 is 978-0-544-81798-2.You will still need the online textbook for completing the labs.

E-portfolios (Wikifolios)

You will complete most of your work for this course in e-portfolios (wikifolios) that can serve as a digital portfolio, with the exception of the virtual labs and quizzes. Using Google Drive, you can create a folder for the course and then create and keep all your lesson assignments and work in that folder.  The screencasts below will guide you through setting up your course folder and e-portfolios in Drive, making and replying to comments on e-portfolios made using Google Docs, and submitting your assignments in Canvas.

Setting up your course folder and e-portfolios (wikifolios) in Google Drive: 

Commenting and replying to comments on e-portfolios(wikifolios):

This document (Links to an external site.) provides written directions for creating your folder and documents as well as commenting and replying to comments on e-portfolios.


Submitting assignments in Canvas: