Module 2 Quiz - Assessment Principles

  • Due Jun 5, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Points 15
  • Questions 25
  • Available May 29, 2017 at 12am - Jun 17, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit 50 Minutes


This quiz covers all of the chapters and assignments in Module 2 (Chapters 3-5 and 12).  These items were drawn from the publishers item bank for the 8th Edition.  Given that this is the first time that these items have been administered, they have not been examined for difficulty and discrimination. There are 25 items worth 0.6 pts and you will have 50 minutes to complete the quiz.  For test security, you will only see the items one at a time and you will not be shown the correct answers for any of the items (only your overall score).  After all students have completed the quiz, the items will be reviewed.  If no student gets a perfect score on the quiz(quite likely) scores will be adjusted upward accordingly.

Please note: As mentioned in the assignments, there is still content on the quiz that covers parts of the assignments that were made optional in this class.   If this were a closed book exam this would be rather unfair.  But because it is assumed that students can and do look up answers, and because you are instructed to familiarize yourself with the optional stuff even if you did not do it, this seems quite fair.  Plus in looking up the answers (albeit quickly) you are also picking up some useful new knowledge and will know where to look for this information in the future if you need it.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes