Awards and Funding

Award or funding source Brief description
Overview of IUSB and IU Grants Learn about potential funding opportunities.
IU & IU South Bend Teaching Awards An overview of teaching awards at IUSB and IU. Of particular interest are the Excellence in Online Teaching Award Links to an external site. and the Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award Links to an external site.. See also IU and IUSB Teaching Award example dossiers Links to an external site. and how to prepare your materials.
Learn and Earn Earn Faculty Development Units for participation in a range of activities.
Quality Matters Funding for professional development, peer review, and course certification using the Quality Matters Rubric and review process.
UCET Teaching with Technology Grant Explore the use of technology in your courses.
UCET MALT Grants Grants for materials needed to use Active Learning Techniques in your classroom.
UCET/FACET Travel Grants Awards for travel/fees related to instructional/course development.
UCET Fellows Program Resources and support for you to share your skills and knowledge with colleagues.
Teaching / Learning Partnerships Collaborate, innovate in the classroom, share classroom practices, and reflect on your teaching.
Thank-an-Instructor Students can show appreciation for an instructor.