Using Pressbooks with Canvas



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Welcome! This course demonstrates how Pressbooks may be used with assignments in Canvas. Each of the example assignments include setup instructions for faculty, demo quizzes and assignments, and example outputs in Pressbooks. Currently this site includes:


Icons - gray_pencil.pngA poetry assignment example

In this example, students submit the final drafts of poems they have written to a book that they can export and take with them when the class is over.

 A group assignment example

In this example, students submit the final drafts of their group assignment as a manual they can export and take with them when the class is over.

 A group study guide assignment example

In this example, student groups build study guides for chapters of the class eText and submit them for instructor feedback.


While these three examples have been chosen for the course, there many other possibilities! If you have any suggestions, please contact us at


start ubtton.png


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