FACET Creativity and Experience 2020-2021

FACET Creativity and Experience 2020-2021

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FACET is reimagining our retreat events by hosting a series of events this academic year. This reimagining is an ongoing process; however, we are continuing with the 2020 retreat theme, Creativity and Experience: Enriching Teaching and Learning. Our goal is to arrive at an engaging, renewing, and illuminating series. 

In academia, many of us think of creativity as something that applies only to the arts. However, as teachers we actively participate in the creative process whenever we develop curricula, step into a classroom, or even engage with students online. In fashioning experiences using our own inventiveness, we help guide students to become creative and reflective thinkers. At the same time that we foster intellectual growth, we also enrich their lives, both now and in the future. In designing, running, and evaluating the experiences we fashion for our students, we utilize a variety of creative practices and habits of mind.

In order to prepare for the retreat, the planning committee invites you to click on the following link to discover your own creative personality: mycreativetype.com.


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