Course Syllabus

Obtaining Textbooks

The only required textbook for this course is Bien dit! French 2, 2018 edition, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, ISBN-  978-0-544-86134-3

This is an online textbook, and is available for no extra cost for all registered students.

Note: students who already have a username and password for the textbook from taking the first-semester French II course can continue using them.

To purchase the optional hard-copy textbook, use the information below to identify the correct book from your preferred book seller:

DeMado, John, Séverine Champeny, Marie Ponterio, Robert Ponterio. Bien Dit!: French 2. Holt McDougal, 2007. ISBN 978-0-030-42697-1

How to obtain your textbook.

Web Resources

Course Outline

Please complete and submit the student information form, found in the Assignments page.

If this is your first course in Canvas, please review these tips for getting started and explore the Student Tutorial.

Introduction: Overview | Course Topics | Textbook and Course Requirements | Online Textbook | Using the Online Textbook | Course Organization and Assignment | Examinations | Grading | Words of Advice

Lesson 1: Le bon vieux temps
Getting Started
Study Session 1A
Introducing chapitre 6 | Souvenirs d'enfance | The imparfait | The passé composé and the imparfait | Vocabulary and Grammar Review | Highlights
Study Session 1B:
La vie á la campagne | The Comparative with Adjectives and Nouns |The Superlative with Adjectives|Vocabulary and Grammar Review  | Highlights
Study Session 1C
Télé-roman: Le Secret de la statuette!Lecture et écriture | Prépare-toi pour l’examen
Instructions | Textbook | Vocabulaire et grammaire Web | Oral
Lesson 1 Assignment
Lesson 1 Practice Answers

Lesson 2: Un week-end en plein air
Getting Started
: Dakar
Study Session 2A
: Introducing Chapitre 7 | On fait du camping á Dakar! | The passé composé and the imparfait | Être en train de | Vocabulary and Grammar Review | Highlights
Study Session 2B:
Á la pêche á Dakar | The Future | The Future of Irregular Verbs | Vocabulary and Grammar Review | Highlights
Study Session 2C
Télé-roman: Le Secret de la statuette! | Lecture et écriture | Prépare-toi pour l’examen
: Instructions | Textbook | Vocabulaire et grammaire | Web | Oral
Lesson 2 Assignment
Lesson 2 Practice Answers

Lesson 3: Es-Tu en forme? Part 1
Getting Started
Study Session 3A: Introducing Chapitre 8 | Le Corps | 
The Subjunctive of Regular Verbs | The Subjunctive of Irregular Verbs | Vocabulary and Grammar Review | Highlights
: Instructions | Textbook | Vocabulaire et grammaire | Web | Oral
Lesson 3 Assignment
Lesson 3 Practice Answers

Lesson 4: Es-Tu en forme? Part 2
Getting Started
Study Session 4A: Continuing Chapitre 8 | 
En plein forme á Dakar! The Conditional | Si Clauses | Vocabulary and Grammar Review | Highlights
Study Session 4B: Télé-roman: Le Secret de la statuette! | Lecture et écriture | Prépare-toi pour l’examen  
: Instructions | Textbook | Vocabulaire et grammaire | Web | Oral
Lesson 4 Assignment
Lesson 4 Practice Answers

Lesson 5: Midterm Exam Tips and Examity Proctoring information
Exam Application
Midterm Exam | Examity page

Lesson 6: On s'amuse!
Getting Started
: Nice
Study Session 6A
: Introducing Chapitre 9 | Les genres de film | The Relative Pronouns qui, que, and dont | Present Participles | Vocabulary and Grammar Review | Highlights
Study Session 6B:
Les emissions télé | Interrogative Pronouns | Demonstrative Pronouns | Vocabulary and Grammar Review | Highlights
Study Session 6C
: Télé-roman: Le Secret de la statuette | Lecture et écriture | Prépare-toi pour l’examen
: Instructions | Textbook | Vocabulaire et grammaire | Web | Oral
Lesson 6 Assignment
Lesson 6 Practice Answers

Lesson 7: Partons en Vacances!
Getting Started
Study Session 7A
: Introducing chapitre 10 | Dans le sud de la France, on peut aller… | Object Pronouns | The Conditional | Vocabulary and Grammar Review | Highlights
Study Session 7B:
Avant de partir en voyage | The Subjunctive | The passé composé and the imparfait | Vocabulary and Grammar Review  | Highlights
Study Session 7C
: Télé-roman: Le Secret de la statuette! | Lecture et écriture | Prépare-toi pour l’examen
: Instructions | Textbook | Vocabulaire et grammaire | Web | Oral
Lesson 7 Assignment
Lesson 7 Practice Answers

Lesson 8: Final Exam Tips and Examity Proctoring information
Course Evaluation - Please complete before applying for the Final Exam below. All responses are anonymous.
Exam Application | Examity page
Final Exam