Course Syllabus

Course Tools and Practices

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W200 Using Computers in Education 
Fall 2021 | Section: 34512


Instructor Information

Mrs. Anna L. Bragg
Mobile Number: 252.626.8070 (texting available)
Email: or Canvas Inbox
Office Hours: Available by appointment


Course Description

Required of all students pursuing teacher education. Introduction to instructional design and technology. Students will learn how to use, select, and integrate technology into learning experiences. Note that students should have basic knowledge of technology concepts and skills.

This course is a study of representative topics in technology in education. Students will learn the skills to incorporate technology into the classroom setting beyond using computers for research, while understanding the commitment needed for preparing these tools of education. Critical thinking and the exploration of technology practices in the classroom will be expected. This course provides focus on identifying technology support resources and appropriate troubleshooting methodologies.  


Required Texts

This course will not use a required textbook. All required readings and videos and will be posted in course modules. 


Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will:

  • Investigate the purposes and functions of modern technologies utilized in today's classrooms
  • Reflect on various technologies from a multi-tiered perspective: student, future educator, and future leader
  • Connect with a global network of learners and educational professionals dedicated to technology advancement
  • Identify pathways for technology to be utilized to advance a mission, such as social justice, digital equity, and digital citizenship.


Participant Expectations

  • Attendance and Assignments:
    You will be required to complete and submit all assignments online via Canvas, including group assignments and forums. In certain instances your group members will need your participation. Students failing to complete group assignments may automatically fail the course. Please communicate with your instructor and your group frequently.

  • Assignment Due Dates:
    Assignments are due by 11:59 p.m. EST on the due date. Please plan ahead to avoid technology glitches and late assignments. Save your work frequently, and always have a backup. Feedback will posted within 5-7 days following the due date.
  • Mastery Grading
    If you are asked to resubmit an assignment for a higher grade, you will have 48 hours from the time you receive feedback to do so. Students who submit late work will not be able to resubmit for a higher grade. 
  • Use of Help-Seeking Strategies:
    Course participants are encouraged to use “help-seeking” strategies, such as connecting with other classmates via threaded discussions, small group work sessions, e-mail or phone, whenever possible.


Required Technology  

This is an online course, and therefore your successful participation in this course will require a computer (desktop or laptop) or mobile device/tablet. Ongoing access to reliable, high-speed internet service is also a mandatory requirement. To complete the various activities, students will need a webcam and microphone

Grading Criteria and Standards

1. All assignments/required work must be completed ON TIME: 11:59 P.M. on specified due dates. Allow extra time for down Internet connections, technical difficulties, etc. Plan ahead to meet the deadline.

2. A point value has been assigned to each assignment.

3. All assignments/required work must be submitted by the designated due date. 

4. There will be a 10% deduction for each late assignment each day (24 hour period after the due date and time of 11:59 P.M.) the assignment is late. This late policy is strictly enforced so please plan ahead for unseen circumstances.

5. The goal should be to meet all of the specified requirements and earn the maximum number of points. High quality work is an expectation. 


Grade Calculations

Your final course grade will be weighted based on the following categories:

  • Twitter Posts - 10%
  • Active Learning - 30%
  • Blog Reflections - 40%
  • Final Project - 20%

Grading Scale

A 95 - 100% C 73 - 77.99%
A- 90 - 93.99% C- 70 - 72.99%
B+ 87 - 90.99% D+ 67 - 70.99%
B 83 - 87.99% D 63 - 67.99%
B- 80 - 82.99% D-  60 - 62.99%
C+ 77 - 80.99% F 59% or Lower 

Note: a C or higher is required for admittance into the IUPUI School of Education

Grade penalties apply for lack of participation and late work. Academic dishonesty may cause you to fail the class. 


Policies and Procedures 

Administrative Withdrawal
A basic requirement of this course is that you will participate in all class meetings and conscientiously complete all required course activities and/or assignments. Keep in touch with me if you are unable to attend, participate, or complete an assignment on time. If you miss more than half of the required activities within the first 25% of the course without contacting me, you may be administratively withdrawn from this course. Example: Our course meets once/twice per week; thus if you miss more than two/four classes in the first four weeks, you may be withdrawn. Administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial, and financial aid implications. Administrative withdrawal will take place after the full refund period, and if you are administratively withdrawn from the course you will not be eligible for a tuition refund. If you have questions about the administrative withdrawal policy at any point during the semester, please contact me.

Plagiarism is defined by the university as: “the offering of the work of someone else as one’s own. Honesty requires that any ideas or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged. The language or ideas taken from another may range from isolated formulas, sentences, or paragraphs to entire articles copied from books, periodicals, speeches, or the writings of other students.  Any student who fails to give credit for ideas or materials taken from another source is guilty of plagiarism.”

Plagiarism and/or academic dishonesty, including copying or collaborating with other students on any of the written assignments, unless otherwise advised, will absolutely not be tolerated.  Plagiarism will result in failure of the assignment and may result in failure of the course.  It will also be reported to the Dean of the School for further review.

Right to Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities
Indiana University is committed to creating a learning environment and academic community that promotes educational opportunities for all individuals, including those with disabilities. Course directors are asked to make reasonable accommodations, upon request by the student or the university, for such disabilities. It is the responsibility of students with documented physical or learning disabilities seeking accommodation to notify their course directors and the relevant campus office that deals with such cases in a timely manner concerning the need for such accommodation. Indiana University will make reasonable accommodations for access to programs, services, and facilities as outlined by applicable state and federal laws. Students requesting disability-related accommodations and/or services should contact Adaptive Educational Services at 317-274-3241.

Sexual Misconduct
IU does not tolerate acts of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and all forms of sexual violence.  If you have experienced sexual misconduct, or know someone who has, the University can help.  It is important to know that federal regulations and University policy require faculty to promptly report complaints of potential sexual misconduct known to them to their campus Deputy Title IX Coordinator(s) to ensure that appropriate measures are taken and resources are made available.  The University will work with you to protect your privacy by sharing information with only those that need to know to ensure the University can respond and assist.  If you are seeking help and would like to speak to someone confidentially, you can make an appointment with a Mental Health Counselor on campus (contact information available at (Links to an external site.)).  Find more information about sexual violence, including campus and community resources at (Links to an external site.).

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) 
Over the course of the semester, if you find that stress is interfering with your academic or personal success, consider contacting Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). CAPS provides direct professional psychological services, including crisis response, counseling, assessment, and referral, that are accessible to, and provide for, the general well-being of all IUPUI students. For more information, visit (Links to an external site.), or contact or 317-274-2548.

Student Advocate
The Student Advocate helps students solve problems by offering objective consultation, promoting self advocacy, and providing information on campus and community resources. Any student, parent, faculty, or staff member with a student-related question, complaint, conflict, or general concern should feel free to contact the Student Advocate:

IUPUI Student Advocate
Campus Center, Suite 350
420 University Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: (317) 278-7594
Fax: (317) 278-9904

Religious Observances 
If you observe a religious holiday that occurs on a class day, you may request an excused absence. Please complete the “Request for Accommodation for Religious Observances” form found on the registrar's website. for each class you will miss. You need to present this form to your instructor(s) prior to the absence to agree on ways to complete course expectations. If this form is used, religious absences are excused. 

Student Grievance and Appeals Procedures 
Any student who believes that his/her rights have been violated by a member of the School of Education faculty or administration, or who wishes to appeal the action of an instructor taken in response to alleged academic misconduct taking place in a course may do so by filing a grievance with Dr. Linda Houser, Assistant Dean ( or 317-278-3353). After receiving the grievance (or appeal request) the hearing board conducts a formal hearing and forwards its recommendation for action to the Dean of the School of Education, who makes final disposition of the grievance or appeal.

Coronavirus considerations

Going to college during a global pandemic brings some uncertainties, but our main goal for the semester is to start and end healthy while learning a lot in between! While every effort will be made to follow the order of the assignments as listed, a change of plans may be necessary for some or all of us, depending on how the semester goes. Here are some considerations to follow for the health and safety of all:

Be sure to follow all of the IU campus guidelines and state guidelines to monitor your health and safety and to stay safe and healthy around friends, fellow students, and family.  
If you have any concerns that you may be infected, or may have been around someone who is infected, complete the COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form accessible via as soon as you are able. Do not come to [class/lab/studio] in person during this time and follow all guidance from the campus Contact Tracer–this is extremely important to keep everyone safe! 
Complete class work online as you can remotely if you are feeling well. If you are not feeling well, or are caring for someone who is not feeling well, contact me and you will be excused from any assignments as per the IU campus guidelines.
Students will be taken at their word when they communicate the reason they must miss a class, exam, or graded project, and will work with me to arrange a way to complete missed work without penalty. However, students will be subject to discipline under the Student Code if they are not truthful about the reason for their absence.  
Contact me at 252.626.8070 and we will work to develop a plan to get back on track in class and complete any missed exams, projects, or homework, or think about next steps.


Coronavirus considerations: Going to college during a global pandemic brings some uncertainties, but our main goal for the semester is to start and end healthy while learning a lot in between! While every effort will be made to follow the order of the assignments as listed, a change of plans may be necessary for some or all of us, depending on how the semester goes. Here are some considerations to follow for the health and safety of all:

  • Be sure to follow all of the IU campus guidelines and state guidelines to monitor your health and safety and to stay safe and healthy around friends, fellow students, and family.  
  • If you have any concerns that you may be infected, or may have been around someone who is infected, complete the COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form accessible via as soon as you are able. Do not come to [class/lab/studio] in person during this time and follow all guidance from the campus Contact Tracer–this is extremely important to keep everyone safe! 
  • Complete class work online as you can remotely if you are feeling well. If you are not feeling well, or are caring for someone who is not feeling well, contact me and you will be excused from any assignments as per the IU campus guidelines.
  • Students will be taken at their word when they communicate the reason they must miss a class, exam, or graded project, and will work with me to arrange a way to complete missed work without penalty. However, students will be subject to discipline under the Student Code if they are not truthful about the reason for their absence.  
  • Contact me via Canvas Inbox or and we will work to develop a plan to get back on track in class and complete any missed exams, projects, or homework, or think about next steps.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due