Titans Feeding Titans Food Pantry - IU South Bend

Welcome to Titans Feeding Titans -

Hi! Welcome to the Titans Feeding Titans Canvas Page!

We are so glad you are here! 

P | (574) 520-5541     E | tft@iusb.edu     O | Northside Hall, room 020

W | https://southbend.iu.edu/students/student-support-services/aes/titans-feeding-titans/index.html Links to an external site. 

Find Us on Facebook | Titans Feeding Titans

Join our Canvas Page, Check out the Modules Tab, and Complete our Survey


What is Titans Feeding Titans (TFT)?

Titans Feeding Titans (TFT) is the food pantry on IUSB Campus. TFT offers free, healthy food to our students, faculty, and staff who are struggling with food insecurity. 

Hours and Location?

Hours may vary from week to week, so we post our hours at the beginning of each week. You can find hours for the week in our "Announcements", on our Facebook page, and your Daily Titan emails. We are located in Northside, Room 020. Please visit our "Modules" tab for more information.

Our Mission and Vision

Mission- To provide IU South Bend campus community with supplemental non-perishable food items in times of need to alleviate hunger.

Vision- No student attending IU South Bend’s campus should have to endure going without food. Everyone will have access to nutritious and quality food.

Organizational Values

Respect- We respect the inherent worth of students and treat them with empathy, fairness, and justice. We accept one another and support diversity of thoughts and ideas.

Integrity- We act with honesty, trust, and openness and deliver on commitments. Our intentions and actions will be transparent and above reproach.

Service- We believe service to others is essential to alleviating food insecurity for students. We serve with merit, compassion and receptivity to meet the needs of those with whom seek out our services.

Stewardship and Accountability- We keep faith with the community partners through the efficient and effective use of resources entrusted to us and are mindful that our mission is accomplished through the charity of others.

Advocacy- We commit ourselves to supporting and encouraging students to join the cause of ending food insecurity on campus. We will engage students, volunteers, professors, and staff through widespread initiatives and outreach projects.

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