ISSE3 How to Support International Student Career Success

Contribute to international students' career development

Generally speaking, international students are focused on achieving academic success and career outcomes. They have made intentional, careful decisions and preparations to study abroad in the United States. International students are often coming from collectivistic cultures, which means that their families are likely to be more involved in decision-making and impacted by both positive and negative outcomes than domestic students' families. 

That said, even if international students begin their academic program with clear ideas and goals for their career pathway in mind, global learning is transformative! Students are going to be exposed to new information and opportunities during their study abroad experience. They need their faculty and staff to help them explore their evolving priorities and options, as well as to continuously provide information and resources at each step throughout their academic program to help them make, execute, and reflect on their career plans. 

Help international students become career-ready in U.S. and global contexts

Think about your role within the IU Indianapolis community and the different points at which you have contact with international students throughout the student lifecycle. The following are some questions that may help you consider what contributions you could make to supporting international student career outcomes.

  • How early does (or could) my unit begin having contact with international students?
  • What common needs and challenges to we find that our international students experience before, during, and after their IU Indianapolis experience that are relevant to the work we do?
  • How could we help prepare international students for their IU Indianapolis experience before they arrive to campus that would make them feel well informed, confident, and like they are a valued member of the IU Indianapolis community?
  • How could we also have this positive impact on international students' experience and outcomees during their arrival/orientation process and throughout their academic program? 
  • What more do I/we need to know about international students' needs and experiences in order to best answer these questions and develop communications, programs and services that meet their needs and help them succeed?
  • How could we best meet the needs of our international alumni and also leverage our relationships with them to benefit prospective and current international students?  

For example, the Office of International Affairs is charged with recruiting, admitting, and supporting the success of international students. We are uniquely positioned to provide immigration advising, specialized services, and global learning opportunities to help international students have a smooth on-boarding process, develop a sense of belonging, and work toward their personal and professional goals. We also serve as a resource to campus and community partners as they aim to do their part in this shared effort.

Starting with the recruitment process, OIA begins communicating with students about how studying at IU Indianapolis can help them become lifelong learners and pursue valuable career outcomes, and we continue to make this a focus of the information, advising, and programs we provide throughout their IU Indianapolis journey. Below are some specific examples of strategies OIA has identified to support international student career outcomes at different touch points throughout the international student lifecycle. We share these as a way to help you consider how you and your unit might leverage opportunities to contribute to international student career outcomes from your unique position within the IU Indianapolis community.

Connect students with academic and career-related information, people, and resources 

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Encourage international alumni engagement

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