ISSE2 Contribute to Transition Support & Ongoing Support

Pre-arrival support

International students have many of the same needs for information and assistance as domestic students to prepare for their first semester of study, but with substantially more complexity given the need to apply for a student visa, make travel and housing arrangements in Indianapolis while located abroad, take additional standardized tests for language placement - to name a few - often while navigating in a different cultural and academic environment, language, financial system, and time zone. International students therefore benefit 

Examples of OIA's strategies pre-arrival support for international students 

  • Offer virtual faculty seminars awarding certificates of participation for prospective and admitted students.
  • Host in-country pre-departure (yield) receptions. These help students build connections and confidence early; include IU Global and Indianapolis faculty and staff, as well as international alumni to help students prepare effectively for arrival and to make the most of the academic and career opportunities that they will have during their academic program. 
  • A series of virtual, pre-arrival information sessions to introduce students to 

Arrival support

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Help students get oriented & build connections early

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Continue to encourage student success beyond orientation

Our effort to help students adjust to student life does not stop at orientation. Like all students, once international students get through their arrival to campus and initial settling-in process, they need to keep learning, adjusting, navigating new experiences and challenges beyond their initial orientation phase. Starting off on the right foot is highly important - especially when there is so much at stake and transition to navigate for students studying abroad. International students need to continuously engage in class, continue building relationships, and pursue new skills and opportunities throughout their academic program. We must keep finding ways to support international students' effectively as their knowledge and experience grows and their goals evolve.