
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 11 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
The Wall- Post 1
The Wall- Post 1
Criteria Ratings Pts
Use of Information
threshold: pts
35 pts
Used many facts or drew on a pertinent personal experience to support argument.
18 pts
Used some facts or drew on somewhat relevant personal experience to support argument.
10 pts
Used few facts or drew on personal opinion (not based on personal experience) to support argument.
0 pts
Did not present any facts or personal opinions to support argument.
35 pts
threshold: pts
30 pts
Demonstrated thorough understanding of topic.
16 pts
Demonstrated accurate (but not thorough) understanding of topic.
7 pts
Demonstrated minimal understanding of topic.
0 pts
Demonstrated MISunderstanding of the topic.
30 pts
threshold: pts
20 pts
Argument was logical and convincing.
11 pts
Argument was logical but not presenting in a convincing manner.
0 pts
Argument was illogical and irrational.
20 pts
threshold: pts
10 pts
Communication was free from grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Communicatin was clear and confident.
8 pts
Communication was somewhat clear of grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Communication was free from slang. Communication was hesitant or sluggish.
0 pts
Communication contained grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Communication was riddled with slang, "text talk", or abbreviations. Communication was irrational or illogical.
10 pts
Upload of Screen Shot
threshold: pts
5 pts
Upload clearly displayed individuals interaction with the original prompt.
0 pts
Screen shot did not clearly display individual's interaction with original prompt.
5 pts
Total Points: 100 out of 100