
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 5 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
L3 Req- Power Profile
L3 Req- Power Profile
Criteria Ratings Pts
threshold: pts
25 pts
Meets expecations: The student provides three thorough lists—one for knowledge, one for skills, and one for dispositions—for truly engaged and influential citizens.
15 pts
Below expectations: The student provides three lists—one for knowledge, one for skills, and one for dispositions—for truly engaged and influential citizens, but the lists are incomplete.
0 pts
No credit: The student does not list the knowledge, skills, or dispositions of truly engaged and influential citizens.
25 pts
Power Profile
threshold: pts
55 pts
Meets expectations: The student constructs a creative profile that thoroughly describes the knowledge, skills, and dispositions for truly engaged and influential citizens, offering explanations for those knowledge, skills, and dispositions and why they matter.
33 pts
Below expectations: The student constructs that meets all expectations but lacks creativity OR the student constructs that meets all expectations but fails to provide thorough explanations of each element.
0 pts
No credit: The student constructs an uncreative profile that fails to explain the knowledge, skills, and dispositions it incorporates.
55 pts
Reflection Essay
threshold: pts
20 pts
Meets expectations: For each of the three reflection prompts, the student provides complete and thoughtful responses.
12 pts
Below expecations: The student responds to all three reflection prompts, but some of the responses are not fully developed and appear to be lacking detail or thoughtfulness.
0 pts
No credit: For the three reflection prompts, the student appears to simply answer the question and does provide evidence of thoughtful reflection OR the student does not respond to 1 or more of the reflection prompts.
20 pts
Total Points: 100 out of 100