Tell us, what would you do if you were a chef in California and you were really upset about this law? How might you go about changing it? Be specific and reference some of Governor Bush's advice from the video.
Respond to at least two of your classmates.
Can't change a rubric once you've started using it.
Discussion postings display an excellent understanding of the required viewing/resource/readings and underlying concepts including correct use of terminology. Postings integrate an outside resource, or relevant research, or specific real-life application (work experience, prior coursework, etc.) to support important points. Well-edited quotes are cited appropriately. No more than 10% of the posting is a direct quotation.
Discussion postings display an understanding of the required viewings/resources/readings and underlying concepts including correct use of terminology and proper citation.
Discussion postings repeat and summarize basic, correct information, but do not link viewings/resources/readings to outside references, relevant research or specific real-life application and do not consider alternative perspectives or connections between ideas. Sources are not cited.
Discussion postings show little or no evidence that viewings/resources/readings were completed or understood. Postings are largely personal opinions or feelings, or "I agree" or "Great idea", without supporting statements with concepts from the readings, outside resources, relevant research, or specific real-life application.
This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.
Discussion postings actively stimulate and sustain further discussion by building on peers' responses including: building a focused argument around a specific issue; asking a new related question; making an oppositional statement supported by personal experience or related research.
Discussion postings contribute to the class' ongoing conversations as evidenced by: affirming statements or references to relevant research; asking related questions of each other; making an oppositional statement supported by any personal experience or related research.
Discussion postings sometimes contribute to ongoing conversations as evidenced by: affirming statements or references to relevant research; asking related questions; making an oppositional statement supported by any personal experience or related research.
Written interactions on the discussion board show respect and sensitivity to peers' gender, cultural and linguistic background, sexual orientation, policial and religious beliefs.