Week 6- How is it going?
- Due Dec 1, 2014 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a discussion post
- Available until Dec 1, 2014 at 11:59pm
As usual, you are expected to create a response to the topic AND respond to another classmate via this discussion.
DISCUSSION TOPIC: How is it going? Let us know, in a thoughtful, constructive, and critical manner
(a) how your experience with this online (versus a traditional face-to-face) class is going,
(b) OVERALL, what is going well and what could be improved- remember keep it respectful and constructive :) -and
(c) think about the theme of this course, "Rethinking Citizenship in the 21st Century"... do the course expectations (e.g. Constitutionals, Challenges, Reqs, Discussions, "The Wall", etc.) help you "rethink" citizenship, why or why not?
Be as specific and constructive as you can because your feedback will be used to help improve the course for the next time it is offered.
RESPOND TO ANOTHER: Engage your classmates in an ongoing discussion about how this course is working, or not working, and help each other create a coherent message to persuade me to change certain things (or keep some things the same).