Week 8- Level 1 Challenge: Energizing Young Elephants
Energizing Young Elephants
The GOP is trying really hard to energize younger Americans. Recently, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) created a hip new BuzzFeed-like website Links to an external site. aimed at getting young people excited about their message. For this Challenge, you must imagine that you were just hired as a “Youth Participation Consultant” for the NRCC. Your job is to serve as a representative for the Millennial generation and help the NRCC design an ad campaign that communicates their social message to Millennials. The ad campaign must include designs for three posters.
- Visit the NRCC Links to an external site. and GOP Links to an external site. websites to get a sense of what the party is all about.
- Reflect upon your knowledge of the Millennial generation and your understanding of their interests, passions, trends, and activities. Think about the kind of message(s) that would appeal to them and endear them to the Republican party.
- Create three separate poster designs using the software of your choice (Word, PowerPoint, Pages, Keynote, Adobe, Photoshop, etc.). Be sure that each poster includes the following elements:
- Message or slogan
- An image
- Information for learning more or getting involved
- A word of advice: Try to have some consistency across your three designs, whether its the slogan, the image, the color scheme, what have you. The thing about an effective ad campaign is that it communicates the same message in multiple way.
Write a 2-page paper covering the following:
- What considerations went into the design of your posters?
- Why do you think your posters will appeal to young voters and endear them to the Republican party?
- How would you leverage social media to boost your campaign’s visibility and effectiveness?
- What advice do you have for traditional political groups that want to appeal to young people?
Please submit the following to Assignments:
- Your thoughts upon reviewing the GOP and NRCC websites in regards to Millennials and the messages you think they need to receive from this party.
- Upload three different poster designs (preferably saved and sent as PDFs).
- Your 2-page reflection paper.
Title |
National Republican Congressional Committee |
Annotation |
This resource presents the origins, funding, and leadership of the NRCC and will give you a sense of its purpose and value. |
Title |
GOP.com |
Annotation |
This resource presents the history, leadership, and issues that are important to the national Republican party and will give you a sense of what it means to be a Republican. |
Title |
Quick Tips Focus Group Interviews |
http://www.uwex.edu/ces/pdande/resources/pdf/Tipsheet5.pdf Links to an external site. |
Annotation |
If you have never conducted a focus group interview before this is a very succinct and helpful resource. This PDF will prepare you to run a well-organized focus group and make sure you and your respondents get the most out of the experience. |
No credit |
Below expectations |
Meets expectations |
Posters (messaging) |
The student created posters that neither reflect Republican values NOR appeals to young people. |
The student created posters with messaging that reflects Republican values OR appeals to young people. |
The student created posters with messaging that clearly reflects Republican values AND appeals to young people. |
Posters (design) |
The student created posters that lack in visual appeal, creativity, and clarity. |
The student created posters that are somewhat visually appealing, creative, and easy to interpret. |
The student created posters that are visually appealing, creative, and easy to interpret. |
Reflection |
For the 4 questions, the student appears to simply answer the question and does not provide evidence of thoughtful reflection; OR the student does not respond to 1 or more of the questions. |
The student responds to all 4 questions, but some of the responses are not fully developed and appear to be lacking detail or thoughtful reflection. |
For each of the 4 questions, the student provides complete and thoughtful responses. |