
Find Rubric
Week 8- Level 1 Challenge
Week 8- Level 1 Challenge
Criteria Ratings Pts
Posters (messaging)
Posters (messaging)
threshold: pts
45 pts
The student created posters with messaging that clearly reflects Republican values AND appeals to young people.
27 pts
The student created posters with messaging that reflects Republican values OR appeals to young people.
0 pts
The student created posters that neither reflect Republican values NOR appeals to young people.
45 pts
Posters (design)
threshold: pts
25 pts
The student created posters that are visually appealing, creative, and easy to interpret.
15 pts
The student created posters that are somewhat visually appealing, creative, and easy to interpret.
0 pts
The student created posters that lack in visual appeal, creativity, and clarity.
25 pts
threshold: pts
30 pts
For each of the 4 questions, the student provides complete and thoughtful responses.
18 pts
The student responds to all 4 questions, but some of the responses are not fully developed and appear to be lacking detail or thoughtful reflection.
0 pts
For the 4 questions, the student appears to simply answer the question and does not provide evidence of thoughtful reflection; OR the student does not respond to 1 or more of the questions.No Marks
30 pts
Total Points: 100 out of 100