These pages are used to share links to relevant resources that each of you locate. After you have located relevant resources and posted annotations on your wikifolio each week, paste the link and the annotation for the one you think your classmates will find most relevant on the corresponding classwiki and put your name in parentheses so we know who added it. Please be tidy and succinct. If it become apparent that a new category is needed you should consider adding it.
General Aggregators: Here are some links to more general resources that you might use to find resources (particularly videos)
Student Learning Analytics at Michigan (SLAM) Links to an external site.. A great series with some really interesting videos.
Ryan Baker's Big Data in Education Links to an external site.. Videos from his course
Learning Analytics at EDUCAUSE Links to an external site.. A really impressive resource that offers info based on your level of experience that John Campbell recommended.
Special Issues: Special issues are great places to dig deeply because they often cohere around specific concerns
British Journal of Educational Technology, 46 (2) Teacher-led inquiry and learning design [special issue]. While this was not specifically about EDS or LA, six of the articles were very thoughtful considerations of LA and instruction.
Assigment Specific
3. Introduction to Educational Data Mining
5. Introduction to Learning Analytics
9. Intro to Academic Analytics
10. Applied Academic Analytics
11. Intro to Systemic Improvement
12. Applied Systemic Improvement
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