-Class Discussion Links

For your convenience, here are links to the class-wide discussion pages.  It is likely that the discussion page may start to load slowly as we added wikifolio discussion pages. One downside is that you can't see from this page whether there are new posts.

General Questions About Assignments. This is where you ask questions about completing assignments (not about the substance of the assignment itself--those things should be discussed on wikifolios and comments). Note that this forum generates a daily email digest to the instructor.  The instructor will try to check these messages daily.  If you post a message and do not get a reply within 24 hours, send a Canvas message (not an email) to the instructor, preferably including the url located in the browser after you post the message.

 General Questions about Class and Technology. This is where you ask question about class in general and Canvas.  This forum generates a daily email digest to the instructor.  The instructor will try to check these messages daily.  If you post a message and do not get a reply within 24 hours, send a Canvas message (not an email) to the instructor, preferably including the url located in the browser after you post the message.

General Questions about Educational Data Sciences. This forum is for questions of general interest regarding EDS, such as conference, events etc.

Instructor/Peer Comment Request.Given the open nature of the class and the number of students, the instructor can only promise to comment on the posts of the for-credit students who are enrolled in the course. Generally speaking the instructor will also comment on the first wikifolios that are posted each week. Likewise you will find that it is impossible to read and comment on the work of all of your peers each week.  Our first priority in this class is generating lively disciplinary engagement around lively debates that get at the heart of EDS. If you have a really great question or a really lively debate that think the instructor and your peers should know about and will want to engage in, post a comment here and include the URL for the page. The instructor and peers can then post a note here indicating that a contribution was made and why it is noteworthy.  This forum serves as a higher level public organizer for the many local worthwhile discussions that should be taking place on individual wikifolios.


 Quick Links:   Student Wikifolios    Classwikis        Class Discussion Links