Week 04: Discussion Board Post
- Due Jun 14, 2015 by 11pm
- Points 6
- Submitting a discussion post
- Available May 18, 2015 at 8am - Jun 14, 2015 at 11pm
First, take a few minutes to review the prompt below. After reviewing the prompt, you should put your critical thinking skills to use as you begin to answer the questions. You should make your initial response to this post by Thursday by 11pm. You will then come back to the post Friday - Sunday and respond to at least two of your fellow classmates posts with a thoughtful and relevant reply. Your initial response should be 8-10 sentences in length at a minimum. Answers such as agreed, disagree, yes, no, etc., will not receive points. This discussion board post is worth up to 6 points. You will receive up to 3 points for your initial response and up to an additional 3 points for your reply.
PROMPT: Ask someone to participate in this activity with you. It can be a friend, family member or a close acquaintance. Directions: sit in facing your partner. Chat with them for about a minute about anything. After a minute has gone by, continue the same conversation with them without using any eye contact. Tell me how this made you feel as an (1) audience member and as (2) a speaker.