MLA Source Citation Assignment (Final)
- Due Jul 5, 2015 by 11pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a file upload
- Available after Jun 29, 2015 at 8am
This week, we want to work with you a little more on using sources in your speech correctly. This is a 'pratice reminder' to parallel what is happening with expectations for your outlines and speeches, as we know you've started to use these but may want to sort through remaining questions you have. Using a source in your speech means identifying it in three ways: in-text, parenthetically, and on the Works Cited list.
Please download the attached .PDF assignment and follow the instruction in the assignment. There is an example to help you get started with this assignment at the bottom of the provided worksheet. You may also find the MLA documentation style handout prepared by the IUPUI Speaker’s Lab useful. Click on the MLA Style link here: Links to an external site.
Remember, you will need to upload your completed assignment as a Word document and attach it to this assignment tab before Sunday at 11pm.
Download Attachment Here:
MLA_CitationAssgnmt_WebSpch Spring 2015.pdf Download MLA_CitationAssgnmt_WebSpch Spring 2015.pdf