Submit Final Outline - Question of Fact Speech Outline
DueJul 19, 2015 by
Submittinga file upload
This week, the speaker's lab mentors have had the opportunity to review your Question of Fact speech outline and suggest changes to improve your outline. After you have made the changes to your final draft of your speech outline, you will upload the final draft to this assignment tab for your instructor to grade.
Can't change a rubric once you've started using it.
EXEMPLARY • Reflects careful consideration of purpose, audience, and time frame •Reflects careful consideration of significance, appropriateness, and scope
SATISFACTORY • Appropriately narrowed/ developed for audience, purpose, and time frame • Demonstrates consideration of significance, appropriateness, and scope
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT • Somewhat narrow or broad for audience, purpose, and/ or time frame Needs more consideration of significance, appropriateness, or scope
EXEMPLARY: In addition to satisfactory, thorough development of content, which includes: •Well-written main points • Main points well-supported with varied and compelling examples, stories, stats, testimony, and other support relevant to speech type •Supporting ideas that relate in exceptional way to persuasive thesis • Critical commentary beyond the most fundamental support
SATISFACTORY: Outline •Uses three-eolumn outline format correetly • Identifies distinct main points appropriate for audience and purpose •Connects content development to speech chosen • Relies on adequate evidence in support of main points • Main points progress according to persuasive psychology of audience
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Outline: Main points present, unbalanced, overlap or in other ways are indistinct •Main points demonstrate problem inconsistently Includes some supporting material, but overall • Inadequate or inconsistent support relevant to purpose
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Introduces topic in some way, but introduction may lack •Attention-getter •Clear thesis • Purpose •Audience connection and/or • Development
EXEMPLARY: The outline •Relies on an exceptionally clear, logical progression within/between ideas •Leavesaudience with undeniable message •Organization compelling, moves audience through speech with ease • Varies transitions
SATISFACTORY: The outline • Uses organization appropriate for assignment/ purpose " Relies on a reasonably clear and logical progression within/between Ideas • Leaves audience with a clear message • Is easy to follow; Ideas adequately connected
DEFICIENT: The outline: Falls to provide a reasonably clear and logical progression within/among ideas • Fails to leave audience with a clear message • Lacks transitions or connections
This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.
EXEMPLARY: Conclusion • Reflects speaker's Informed evaluation, ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order • Is thought-provoking and satisfying
SATISFACTORY: Conclusion • Is logically tied to Information • Summarizes main points effectively •States action * Leaves audience with an adequate final statement
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Conclusion • Is inconsistently tied to some information discussed • May lack reference to thesis, review of main points, or thought-provoking final statement
EXEMPLARY: Language choices (are) • Exceptionally clear, inclusive, vivid, and creative • Enhance audience comprehension, enthusiasm for thesis Varied in sentence structure, word choice •Strong in standards of grammar, usage
DEFICIENT: Outline relies on Unclear or inappropriate language •Undefined jargon Language that is not inclusive Language lacks attention to audience and/or purpose
This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.