You will find all of your grades by clicking on Grades in the navigation menu at left.
Grade Notification
Any time you receive a grade, you will see a notification symbol next to Grades in the navigation menu, as shown at right. The circle means something new has been graded, and the number shows how many items were graded. Canvas only shows this one time.
The image below shows part of a typical Grades page.
This page shows a blue dot next to Lesson 3 Assignment. This indicates that this assignment was just graded and shows a score you haven't seen before. The next time you view the page, the blue dot will not appear.
Notice the drop-down menu under Arrange By. The default view is by due-date. IUHS does not use due-dates, so you are advised to change the display to Assignment Group to see a more logical display of grades.
On the left-most side you will see every grade item in the course; all assignments, quizzes and exams. The Score column shows the points you earned for each submission, while the Out Of column shows the maximum possible score.
You can click on the check-box icon at the far-right to see where your grade fits within the range of scores of previous student submissions.
The cartoon dialog box, next to the check-box icon, shows that your instructor left you a comment. Click the box to see the comment.
Notice the Document icon in the Score column for Assignment 4. This will appear when you have submitted an assignment or quiz, but it hasn't been graded yet. Once it is graded, the score will appear, along with the blue notification dot.
The bottom of the Grades page shows where your grade summary stands at the moment, including Assignments, Quizzes, Exams, and the combined Total average.
You can click on any assignment, quiz, or exam to see more details. Click on "view feedback" at the top-right to see any feedback given by the instructor.