Module 1 Introduction: Physical Activity Knowledge


In this module you will learn how to make a physical space an appropriate space to live in, the importance of body composition and what it means to be physically active, and what good nutrition is.

 Module Summary




You will assess your current mastery of the learning standards that will be covered in this module. This will help you identify what you already know and what you will learn. This will also help your teacher gauge your needs as you move through this module.

Lesson 1:
Creating a Safe Physical Space

In this lesson you learn how to make a physical space an appropriate space to live in.

Click to see related standard(s) covered.
  • HSL1.3.2.A Investigates the relationship between physical activity, nutrition, and body composition.
  • HSL1.3.2.B Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical preferences throughout the lifespan.
Click to see related assignments.
  • 1.1.1 Creating a Safe Physical Space (Explore & Connect)
  • 1.1.2 Basic At-Home Workout Set-up (Think Aloud & Reflect)
  • 1.1.3 Why your brain loves it when you exercise (Engage with Concepts)
  • 1.1.4 What to Know About Working Out at Home (Engage with Concepts)

Lesson 2:
Introduction to Physical Activity Knowledge

In this lesson you learn about the importance of body composition, being physically active and what good nutrition is. This is important because these are important skills to have in life. 

Click to see related standard(s) covered.
  • HSL1.3.2.A Investigates the relationship between physical activity, nutrition, and body composition.
  • HSL1.3.2.B Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical preferences throughout the lifespan.
  • HSL1.3.4.A Understands the relationship between caloric intake, physical activity and body composition.
Click to see related assignments.
  • 1.2.1 Physical Activity (Explore & Connect)
  • 1.2.2 Body Composition (Explore & Connect)
  • 1.2.3 Nutrition (Explore & Connect)
  • 1.2.4 How the food you eat affects your brain (Engage with Concepts)

Lesson 3:
Physical Activity and Safety Factors

In this lesson you will break-down what it means to be safe while being physically active. These are skills you will take with you throughout life. 

Click to see related standard(s) covered.
  • HSL1.3.2.A Investigates the relationship between physical activity, nutrition, and body composition.
  • HSL1.3.2.B Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical preferences throughout the lifespan.
Click to see related assignments.
  • 1.3.1 Safety Risks with Physical Activity (Explore & Connect)
  • 1.3.2 Health Risks-Inactive Lifestyle (Explore & Connect)
  • 1.3.3 Hidden Risks of Sitting (Engage with Concepts)


After completing the above lessons, you will re-assess your mastery of the learning standards covered in this module. This will help you confirm what you have learned and to help identify topics that should be reviewed. This will also help your teacher gauge your needs as you move into the next module.