Module 1 Prepare for Learning Self-Assessment

  • Due No due date
  • Points _
  • Questions 8
  • Time Limit None


Directions: Before beginning this Module, review the state standards and “I Can” statements below. Your goal should be that by the end of the module, you will be able to assert each "I Can" statement.

Once you have read the statements, proceed to answer the survey questions as honestly and accurately as you can. Your answers do not affect your grade, as there are no right or wrong answers.

It is ok to say that you don’t know or are not confident in your understanding of the standards and statements listed. This self-assessment helps you and your instructor gauge where you are in mastering the skills outlined in the standards so that you get the most out of this learning experience.


Primary “I Can…” Statement


I can identify what is required to create a safe workout space.

Click here for the related state learning standard:

HSL1.3.2.A Investigates the relationship between physical activity, nutrition, and body composition.

HSL1.3.2.B Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical preferences throughout the lifespan.


I can identify what equipment and items in my home I can use in my workout space.

Click here for the related state learning standard:

HSL1.3.2.A Investigates the relationship between physical activity, nutrition, and body composition.

HSL1.3.2.B Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical preferences throughout the lifespan.


I can explain the relationship between physical activity, nutrition and body composition.

Click here for the related state learning standard:

HSL1.3.2.A Investigates the relationship between physical activity, nutrition, and body composition.

HSL1.3.2.B Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical preferences throughout the lifespan.


I can identify risk and safety factors that impact my physical abilities throughout my lifespan.

Click here for the related state learning standard:

HSL1.3.2.A Investigates the relationship between physical activity, nutrition, and body composition.

HSL1.3.2.B Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical preferences throughout the lifespan.