1.5 Finding learning data in Canvas: Get to know New Analytics
New Analytics is Canvas' primary tool for reviewing learning analytics in a course. The following sections will describe the dashboards and data available from New Analytics.
Average Course Grade Dashboard
The Course Grade tab provides a detailed view using an interactive chart graph or data table with dynamic filters.
Each dot on the graph shows the average grade for a graded assignment. To view the assignment name, mouse over the dot (or the icon below it). Individuals who cannot view the chart, which is not accessible to screen readers, can view the Data Table by choosing the Options menu and selecting Data Table.
For more information, review the following Canvas Guides:
- View average course grade using interactive chart graph Links to an external site.
- View average course grade using data table Links to an external site.
Comparing average grades
You can compare sections or individual students to the class average by adding them to the filter at the top. You can add up to two sections or students at one time. Individuals who cannot see the different colors indicating different students or sections can change the shape of the dots by clicking the Options menu and selecting Display Shapes.
This might be of interest if you are seeing particular students who might be struggling and can see their grades versus the average on the assignment. It may also be useful prior to holding Office Hours or Help Sessions. Finally, the these data can also be helpful to identify student trends, such as a student who is consistently doing poorly on writing assignments.
For more information, review the following Canvas Guides:
- Course average chart graph using assignment, section, or student filters Links to an external site.
- Course average data table using assignment, section, or student filters Links to an external site.
Message Students Who...
Next to the filter box, you will also find an envelope icon labeled "Message Students Who." When you click the envelope icon, a window will pop up allowing you to draft a message to your student(s) based on a specific score range, missing assignment, or late assignment.
The score range refers to the total course score and Missing/Late will include anyone with any missing or late assignment that is past its due date. To message students about individual assignment scores or a specific late/missing assignment, use the Grades tool.
The message is delivered to the student’s Canvas Inbox. If you select multiple students, individual students will not see any of the other recipients.
For more information, review the following Canvas Guides:
- Send a message to all students based on specific course grade or with missing/late assignments Links to an external site.
- Send a message to an individual student based on specific course grade or with missing/late assignments Links to an external site.
Grade distributions, missing, and late assignments
To see grade distributions, missing assignment submissions, and late assignment submissions, click on the dot for an assignment and a panel will slide out from the right with more information.
You will also find the Message Students Who icon on this panel. Note that the pop-up window you get by clicking on the icon in the panel is the same as the one you get by clicking on the icon in the main dashboard. The score range still refers to the total course score and Missing/Late will include anyone with any missing or late assignment that is past its due date. To message students about individual assignment scores or a specific late/missing assignment, use the Grades tool.
Weekly Online Activity Dashboard
The Weekly Online Activity tab provides an interactive chart or graph of page views and participations. "Average page views" is the average approximation of student activity across the course.
Participation analytics include submitting an assignment, starting to take a quiz, submitting a quiz, posting a discussion comment, loading a collaboration to view/edit a document, and posting a comment to an announcement (if that functionality is turned on).
As with the Course Grade tab, you can filter results to compare specific sections or students using the chart graph or data table comparison. This image shows the class averages in blue and a single student in green. Use the scroll bar at the top of the graph to view previous weeks.
The Weekly Online Activity tab provides a detailed view using an interactive chart graph or data table with dynamic filters.
For more information, review the following Canvas Guides:
- View weekly online activity using an interactive chart graph Links to an external site.
- View weekly online activity using the data table Links to an external site.
- Course weekly online activity using section or student filters Links to an external site.
- Course weekly online activity table using section or student filters Links to an external site.
Individual Participation and Page Views
Click on a dot and a panel will slide out from the right with more information for that week. You can sort by either page views or participation. Keep in mind that the data in New Analytics is refreshed every 24 hours.
Message Students Who...
Instructors can also use the Message Students Who tool to contact students about their course activity by either clicking the envelope icon on the Weekly Online Activity Dashboard or any of the viewed, didn’t view, participated, didn’t participate numbers on the individual participations and page views panel.
Begin typing the name of the resource in the Resource box to find the page, file, discussion, etc. Everything will not be in the dropdown list. The message will be delivered to the student’s Canvas Inbox.
For more information, review the following Canvas Guides:
- Send a message to all students based on participation criteria Links to an external site.
- Send a message to an individual student based on participation criteria
Students Dashboard
The data on the Students Dashboard are from the beginning of the course to the current day. There you can see and sort by each student's:
- course grade
- percent of assignments turned in on time
- date of last page view
- number of page views, or
- number of participations
Reports dashboard
Instructors can view and download missing, late, and excused assignment reports, as well as class roster and course activity reports as CSV files (spreadsheets).
For more information, review the following Canvas Guide: