3.1 Introduction

WE ASKED INSTRUCTORS to tell us what questions they have about learning analytics. Many of their questions focus on understanding patterns in responses to quiz questions. For instance, they want to know:

  • Which quiz questions have the highest number of incorrect responses? 
  • Where were students indecisive in their answer selection?
  • Where can quiz question responses be viewed in one place in order to see how the class as a whole struggles?

Canvas’ Quiz Statistics can help quickly identify answers to these questions.

Instructors also want to know:

  • How much time do students spend on questions? (to better understand students’ perceptions of difficulty or possible question ambiguity),
  • who is struggling? (they might benefit from individual support), and
  • do students improvement on questions that are repeated? (are they mastering content over time?).

These types of data are not as readily available. Individuals who missed a question are shown in a list and the total time a student spent on the assessment is available, but data that shows performance over multiple attempts is only available if students are allowed to re-take the same quiz (see table below). Nuance around discovering this data and interpreting it is provided in this module.


From the Unizin Consortium: Structured Conversations


We asked instructors at 5 institutions to address this question:

“What information about students’ digital course activity and performance, or course activities and content, would be useful to you in order to support teaching and learning? “ We synthesized faculty feedback from across participating institutions and used it to identify themes and priorities. 


Learn more about Structured Conversations Links to an external site.