The Ultimate Guide for Creating an ESL Curriculum

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The ESL Textbooksare one of the old acquaintances of teachers. It is a descriptive document that indicates everything you will have to do in your classes. In other words, it is a tool for planning activities and content.

The role of the teacher is to transmit as much knowledge as possible. So, nothing better than having a planning tool that allows you to organize the content that will be taught in the most logical way.

Unlike what many people imagine, the lesson plan is not fixed, that is, it can be updated permanently and whenever necessary.

This flexibility is due to the fact that the focus of a class can change during the course and also because the planning is built before the course begins. For this reason, it may happen that what is planned is not appropriate for the group, due to its particular characteristics.

But if you have a lesson plan and you realize that your audience is not comfortable with the way the content has been taught, it is possible to make modifications based on what was previously planned.

The class plan then works as a guide for teachers, since in it you explain the steps to follow during the course, the sequence of content that you are going to teach, the way in which you will present each topic, and the evaluation methods and activities, among other things such as English language learning books, you want to add.

How to design your own ESL curriculum

  • Define the goals you want to achieve

The main thing, before creating your study plan, is that you define your motivation and your objectives so that you are clear about what your goals will be.

Think about why you want to study English, what motivates you the most about it, what is your idea of ​​what you want to do and above all, what is the main objective that you want to achieve.

Also, you may need ESL teaching resources for adults, if you need to teach adults who might need a different kind of designed curriculum according to their needs.

  • Divide your goals into medium and short term

When you are sure of your main goal, you must divide your objectives into what you can achieve in the short and medium term.

Make a timeline of what you have in mind, a guide of what you can achieve little by little and above all, trust yourself.

How to select the right type of ESL curriculum for your needs

  • Step 1: Set your monthly goals

Taking into account that you are already aware, first of all, of your main objectives, it is time for you to create a plan where you make small and realistic monthly goals that you can fulfil little by little.

This will be crucial in helping you motivate yourself, allowing you to focus on your vision and have a better understanding.

A good example of this could be, that in your first month you have as an objective to study your vocabulary and grammar to be able to present yourself without problems.

  • Step 2: Choose the topics to learn

This is one of the most important steps, your future knowledge will depend on this. Research a variety of topics through ESL Workbooks that you can include within your study plan.

Also, if you are looking to learn for business or for a specific niche, you should take it into account when including and choosing the topics, since the vocabulary of a psychologist is not going to be the same as that of an engineer.

For example, best teaching English books include topics such as the basics to learn, the most important verbs, verb tenses, travel vocabulary, the English alphabet, and how to use this, these, that, those, or how to say numbers in English.

  • Step 3: Break it down into weeks

To optimize the work, the best thing is that you can give organization and meaning to your weeks, giving them significant elements that you should learn, mentioning the methods that you are going to use and in this way create your own world of learning English during those days.

For example, for week 1 you can focus on studying the verb to be, letters and numbers and for week 2, you focus on learning the grammar of greetings.

  • Step 4: Organize your days

It is essential that you manage to have an effective organization of your study days. Assign him tasks, activities, study topics, exercises and ways in which you can learn and put everything into practice.

If you're short on time, you can make it just 5 minutes a day, maybe when you get home from work or when you get out of school, or you can make it just one day a week.

Tips for implementing an ESL curriculum in your classroom

You need to create the best book for teaching English. Follow the below instruction for the same.

  1. Teach through playful activities

In many schools today, traditional teaching is still used in which students simply memorize a quantity of vocabulary and rules that they forget months later. 
To avoid this and for students to really learn, playful activities can be carried out along with just following the English learning book. The game is one of the most effective ways to learn because it motivates students and achieves a greater predisposition to knowledge. Some of these activities are:  

  • Debates on a topic of interest to the students 
  • Board games like  Scrabble  or  Pictionary 
  • karaoke 
  • Flashcards or learning cards with vocabulary
  • Puzzle 
  • The hidden treasure 
  • Word games

These activities allow you to improve the 4 basic communication skills:  writing, speaking, readingandlistening,  but the list is endless and only depends on your creativityAny activity that involves the interaction of students with each other, or with an object, will be positive for their learning.

  1. Immerse students in real situations

It is clear that in an environment where only the mother tongue is spoken, it is more difficult to learn another language. English teaching books and ESL Grammer books can be of help but, to improve the teaching of English in your school, a good strategy is to convert the classroom into a 100% Anglo-Saxon environment, where students must communicate all the time in English. If they don't know a word, they will surely find a way to make themselves understood. 
For this, you can propose real-life activities where students learn to introduce themselves to others, ask and receive directions, read maps, order food in restaurants, resolve concerns and even apply for a job. 
Another valuable point that not many schools teach is the well-known " slang words ".”, or idioms, which are used in a common and informal way in countries such as the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom. This will be very useful when travelling.

  1. Implement an LMS or Learning Management platform

The use of technology has opened doors and minds to endless teaching possibilities. One of them is the  LMS or e-Learning platforms, distance learning tools that allow you to create a virtual classroom to teach classes over the Internet apart from following the books to teach English for beginners.
These platforms, being technological, can be the best ally to keep children and young people interested. In addition, they promote autonomous learning, since students do not need to have a teacher constantly. 

Assessing student progress

Now when you are teaching your students through a particular curriculum, English Workbooks for practice and to assess the learning of your students are extremely important. ESL Textbooks might be helpful, however taking certain exams about what you have taught so far, and how much your students have absorbed, is more important. Do not forget to put them on a certain scale, so that they may also come to know about their progress.

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