Week 2- Constitutional: The Constitution
- Due Nov 2, 2014 at 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Questions 10
- Available until Dec 10, 2014 at 11:59pm
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts 2
Directions: View the video below (rough transcript provided) and then take the 10-question quiz. There is no time limit and you may attempt the quiz up to two times. Your highest score will be recorded.
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The Constitution
Talking Points
In 1787 in Philly, a bunch of “important” men came together to “fix” the Articles of Confederation. They didn’t do that. Instead, they threw them out and started writing a brand new constitution.
What was wrong with the Articles? Everything!
The national government could not force the states to obey its laws.
It did not have the power to tax
It did not have the power to enforce laws
Congress lacked strong and steady leadership
There was no national army or navy
There was no system of national courts
Each state could issue its own paper money
Each state could put tariffs on trade between states.
Big debates at the Convention:
Representation → Great Compromise
Slavery → Three-Fifths Compromise
Voting → Left to the states
Economic Issues → Congress given strong powers
Individual Rights → habeas corpus, ex post facto laws, bills of attainder, trial by jury. But there was one thing missing...a Bill of Rights!
James Madison’s Architecture
Separation of powers
Checks and balances
Limits on the majority
Lazy: Legislative
Elephants: Executive
Jump: Judicial
Slowly: States
And: Amending
Sleep: Supremacy
Regularly: Ratification
The proposed Constitution called for 9 of the 13 states to approve the document at special state ratifying conventions.
Advocates of the Constitution were called Federalists; the opponents of the Constitution were called Anti-federalists.
The Anti-federalists argued that
a strong national government would be too distant from the people and would abuse its powers by absorbing powers of the states;
Congress would tax too heavily and that the Supreme Court would overrule state courts;
the president would become the head of a large standing army;
a strong national government needed to be restrained by much more explicit guarantees of individual liberties.
Leading Federalists were persuaded by this argument and promised to add amendments to the document after its ratification.
Later, James Madison at the First Congress in 1789 proposed 12 constitutional amendments that restrained the national government from limiting civil liberties.
- Ten of these were ratified by the states by 1791 and have become known collectively as the Bill of Rights.