SPEAKER'S LAB: SEEi Submit Rough Draft for the Mentor
- Due Jun 4, 2015 by 11pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a file upload
Speaker’s Lab Assignment
Due by: Thursday, June 4th at 11 pm.
Submit a rough draft of your SEEI-Impact speech using the 3-column outline.
As you begin working on your SEEI-Impact Speech outline, you will work with the IUPUI Speaker's Lab to fine tune your outline. For this assignment, we ask that you review the SEEI part and the main points of your speech with a Speaker's Lab mentor.
You will submit your outline to this assignment and one of the speaker's lab mentor's will review it and submit feedback to you. You will then have the opportunity to make any changes to your outline before submitting your final draft on Sunday, June 14 by 11pm.
Remember you can contact the Speaker’s Lab mentor in your section by sending a message to “Teaching Assistants” for this class under conversations.