In this lesson you will learn all about working out at home, including how to ensure that a chosen area is an appropriate space to work out in, how to best set up a workout space. Plus you will learn about how exercise benefits your brain as well as your body.
Lesson Learning Objectives
I Can...
I can identify what is required to create a safe workout space.
I can identify what equipment and items in my home I can use in my workout space.
Click to see related standard(s) covered.
HSL1.3.2.A Investigates the relationship between physical activity, nutrition, and body composition.
HSL1.3.2.B Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical preferences throughout the lifespan.
1.1.1 Creating a Safe Physical Space (Explore & Connect)
1.1.3 Why your brain loves it when you exercise (Engage with Concepts)
1.1.4 What to Know About Working Out at Home (Engage with Concepts)
Please proceed through the rest of the lesson to complete the assignments listed in the Task(s) column above.
1.0.1 Spark | Introduction and Chapter 1- Welcome to the Revolution A Case Study on Exercise and the Brain 1.1.1 Creating a Safe Physical Space (Explore & Connect)