5.0 Question prompts: Review, Amend, Apply
Before diving into the content about Review, Amend, Apply, take a few moments to read the learning objectives for this module and construct responses to each of the guiding questions below. The learning objectives describe what you will do or what you will be more prepared to do at the end of this module. The guiding questions have been designed to help you make sense of the Review, Amend, Apply framework in your specific teaching and learning context. You are encouraged to write or type out responses to these questions then revisit them as you progress through the module.
What question(s) do you have that learning data might address?
Consider, for instance, stumbling blocks or pain points that you and your students experienced during the semester.
Maybe you haven't yet identified questions that will guide your work. In that case, consider, what are you curious about that learning data might provide insights into?
What learning data do you need access to? What tool will you use to access the relevant data?
What are the data?
What do you think the data means or explains?
What questions do you have at this point?