Venue Dash Inc- Best tips for crowd finding growth

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Venue Dash Inc. is glad to announce the launch of its Indiegogo campaign that introduces the business that is here to change the future of large and small business operations while revolutionizing the idea of shopping. Venue Dash Inc. is a mobile application with a similar interface to Uber Eats, but for non-food-related products such as home goods, etc.

Reach out to the campaign authors who achieved their goals to have a better understanding of what worked (and what didn't) for the successful campaigns. Don't be scared to ask them if they have any industry-specific insights from their campaign.

  1. Develop a landing page

Because email will be your primary mode of contact, you must create an email database of subscribers. Remember that the majority of your results will be obtained from your emails, therefore you should begin collecting those addresses right away.

Create a landing page — a short page with your pitching video and photographs — as one of the simplest ways to collect email addresses. This page's objective is to explain why you're running that campaign. At the bottom, you should offer something in exchange, such as a bribe in exchange for an email. Your database is your success, and the larger it is, the more opportunities you will have.

If you aren't a coder or coding whiz, go to Indiegogo and design a free landing page. When creating a landing page, keep the following four points in mind:

  • Make use of warm hues.
  • Include photos of real people (it's a sad fact, but photos of women convert better than those of men).
  • Include a personal message and a photo of yourself.
  • Use client testimonials, i.e., the messages of 2-3 satisfied people regarding the goods.
  • Thank you with a share: include a Facebook and Twitter share button.
  1. Plan out your emails

Essentially, your email conversation to create awareness for your cause will involve three major categories of people:


  • The media (journalists, bloggers, and influencers)
  • Your individual network (people who know you)
  • Subscriptions (people who subscribed through your landing page).
  • Later in this post, we'll go over how to approach the media, but for now, let's look at what you can do with your personal network and subscribers.

Your personal network is critical to your early success. If you can raise 20-30% of your target in the first 48 hours, your chances of getting completely funded are very good. According to Kickstarter statistics, 78 percent of projects that raised more than 20% of their funding were successful.

  1. Set up a Facebook event

Four weeks before your launch, create a Facebook event. It is difficult to get onto your friends' newsfeeds these days because you are competing with a plethora of different content. It is significantly easier to capture your friends' attention by hosting a virtual Facebook event and inviting all of your friends to it. Make your life easier by downloading the 'invite all' chrome extension, which allows you to invite all of your friends with a single click.

Don't forget to include links that bring visitors to your landing page. Include at least four of the same links in your text description.

Everyone is notified about the event.

Change the time of your event on a regular basis. This will send a new notification to everyone who has joined your campaign, keeping your campaign in their minds. Change the time of your event every couple of days for the first three weeks, then once every day for the last week.

For more information, please visit:

Venue Dash Inc.
United States

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