CBSE Term 1 Boards Datesheet Announced Again! Complete your MCQ Exam in 90 mins for Class 10

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You have to take an exam and there are too many subjects to study. The first step in meeting this challenge is preparing an agenda. In this note, I tell you 8 basic tips to do it in the best way.

If you don't know what I mean when I talk about syllabi, I recommend first the article where I explain what a syllabus is at university. For Latest CBSE MCQs Sample Paper Class 10 For Term 1 Board Exams 2021-22, Click Here.

  1. Determine which topics enter the test

In some cases they will be very specific and in others, too ambiguous. You must gather all the information available regarding what it will take to be able to rule out everything else.

Be careful when doing this. If you have doubts as to whether a topic enters or not, you should consider that it does.

  1. Review all the notes

The second step will be to go through your notes , textbooks and all that material that you have on the subject and make a list with all the topics that enter the exam.

  1. Evacuate your doubts

You may find doubts about some topics or even incomplete parts. Therefore, the next thing you should do is evacuate your doubts and fill in the information holes.

  1. Assign a weight to each topic

Assign each topic a weight or relevance with respect to the others. This will help you identify which topics are the most difficult or the most important.

  1. Assign each topic an estimated study time

Think how long it can take you to study each topic. This will help you plan and define a study schedule.

  1. Define a priority for each topic

You know well that you may not get to study everything because there is never enough time. So, define which topics are the most important to study first.

  1. Prepare a list of exam questions

Aside from the list of topics, you should have a list of tips or possible exam questions .

Sometimes the same teachers comment on the assessment in class. Other times, you find out about them from what a classmate who has already taken the exam tells you. No matter where it comes from, any information about potential questions should be on that list.

  1. Make a list of problem types

If in addition to answering theoretical questions, in the exam you must solve some kind of practical exercise , it is convenient to put together a separate list with the types of problems that you have to master.

Schedule and study

Well, here are some tips to prepare an agenda and not let anything important be left out. What follows is to put together a schedule and then there is no choice but to start studying.

Hope you found this article useful. If you liked it, please share it with all the students you know.For Latest CBSE MCQs Sample Paper Class 10 For Term 1 Board Exams 2021-22, Click Here.

Thanks for taking the time to read me.

Until the next article.


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