Course Syllabus

Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington

Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies

SPH-O 210: Introduction to Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Human Ecology

Fall, 2015


Course Syllabus (09/28/2015)


Instructor: Brian Forist, Visiting Lecturer/Ph.D. Candidate

Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00am to 12:00pm

Office Location: School of Public Health (SPH) Suite 133


Office Telephone: (802) 855-0203

Mobile Telephone/Text: (219) 916-7830

Classroom: School of Public Health (SPH) 013

Class Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 am to 9:15 am

Class Field Days: Friday October 30 & Friday November 6, 1:00 am to 5:00 pm

Course ID: 026228

Class Number: 087116

Credits: 3


About Your Instructor

I have spent many years in the fields of Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Human Ecology working in national parks, for non-profit organizations, and in the education arena. Most recently, I worked as a park ranger at Mesa Verde National Park (2015). I have a B.S. degree in Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies with a concentration in Outdoor Education and Environmental Interpretation from Huxley College of the Environment at Western Washington University. I have an M.S Degree in Environmental Studies and Elementary Education from Antioch University New England. I will be completing my Ph.D. here at Indiana University during this academic year. My research is on the effectiveness of national park interpretation and informal interpretive encounters from the visitor perspective.



Plummer, R. (2009). Outdoor recreation: An introduction. New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-43041-8


Additional Readings

Knapp, D., & Forist, B. (2015). A new commitment to the visitor. Legacy: The Magazine of the National Association for Interpretation, 26(3), 34-37.

Marburger, J. (2013). Use of pollen to identify cattail (Typha spp. Typhaceae) taxa in Indiana. Plant Society Buletin, 59(4), 174-177.

Marburger, J., & Travis, S. (2013). Cattail hybridization in national parks: An example of cryptic plant invasions. Park Science, 30(2), 58-68.

National Park Service. (2012). Revisiting Leopold: Resource stewardship in the national parks.


Course Description

This course will provide students with an introduction to outdoor recreation and parks within a human ecological framework, defined as the study of the complex and varied systems of interactions between people and the environment. Examination of societal, recreation applications, and emerging recreation and leisure trends that have direct application to human ecology.


Course Goals

  • Students will understand the basic tenets and historical influences of the field of outdoor recreation and parks in a human ecological framework.
  • Students will understand the social and economic impacts of outdoor recreation and use of parks.
  • Students will become aware of the dynamic and ever-changing relationship between outdoor recreation and the natural environment and strategies to manage these interactions and the protected areas in which they occur.
  • Students will be able to investigate first-hand the places that outdoor recreation activities occur and programs are implemented.
  • Students will understand characteristics of, and responsibilities associated with careers in outdoor recreation, parks, and human ecology.


Assignments (Total of 300 Points)

  • ORPHE Biography (30 Points)
  • Outdoor Update (20 Points)
  • Historical Perspectives on ORPHE (25 Points)
  • ORPHE Research Review (35 Points)
  • Outdoor Recreation Site Visit and Management Issue Assessment (30 Points)
  • Final Project/Morgan-Monroe State Forest Site Study and Prospectus (100 Points)
  • In-Class Assignments (60 Points)


Class Schedule





Work Due


Tu/Aug. 25


-Draft Syllabus

-My ORPHE Biography



Th/Aug. 27

-Outdoor Updates

-What is ORPHE? -Interdisciplinary Thinking and Practice

“Four ORPHE Questions”

Plummer, Intro. & Ch.1 (pp. 1-30)

In-class assignment: “Four ORPHE Questions”


Tu/Sept. 1

-Outdoor Updates

-What is Human Ecology


“My ORPHE Biography” Assignment

Th/Sept. 3

-Outdoor Updates

-Outdoor Recreation and Parks in a Human Ecology Context,


In-class assignment: “President Obama’s visit to Alaska”


Tu/Sept. 8

-Outdoor Updates

-Historical Perspectives

Plummer, Ch. 2 (pp. 31-62)

“Historical Perspectives on ORPHE” Assignment

Th/Sept. 10

-Outdoor Updates

-Historical Perspectives (cont.)




Tu/Sept. 15

-Outdoor Updates

-Historical Perspectives (cont.)



Th/Sept. 17

-Outdoor Updates

-The Natural Environment

“ORPHE Bingo”

Plummer, Ch. 3 (pp. 63-93)

In-class assignment: “ORPHE Bingo”


Tu/Sept. 22

-Outdoor Updates

-Outdoor Recreation Research Results or why people do what they do

“APIS Activity”

Plummer, Ch. 4 (pp. 94-129)

In-class assignment: “APIS Activity”

Th/Sept. 24

-Outdoor Updates

-Outdoor Recreation Research Results (cont.)


In-class assignment: “More O. R. Research”


Tu/Sept. 29

-Outdoor Updates

-Economic Impacts of Outdoor Recreation Pursuits

Plummer, Ch. 5 (pp. 131-168)

In-class assignment: “Economics & Outdoor Recreation-- Costs”

Th/Oct. 1

-Outdoor Updates

-Visitor Spending in Outdoor Recreation




Tu/Oct. 6

-Outdoor Updates

-Guest ORPHE Professional, Elizabeth Tompkins, Natural Resources Coordinator, Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department


Pre-class assignment: Questions for Elizabeth Tompkins

Th/Oct. 8

-Outdoor Updates

-Parks and Protected Areas

Plummer, Ch. 7 (pp. 207-241)

“ORPHE Research Review”


Tu/Oct. 13

-Outdoor Updates

-Guest ORPHE Professional, Dr. Gary Machlis, Science Advisor to the Director, National Park Service

National Park Service. (2012). Revisiting Leopold: Resource stewardship in the national parks. Links to an external site.

Pre-class assignment: Questions for Dr. Gary Machlis

Th/Oct. 15

-Outdoor Updates

-Outdoor Education, Environmental Education, and Interpretation

Plummer, Ch. 8 (pp. 243-276)

Comments on ORPHE Research Review


Tu/Oct. 20

-Outdoor Updates

-Outdoor Education, Environmental Education, and Interpretation (cont.)

Knapp & Forist, 2015


Th/Oct. 22

-Outdoor Updates

-Guest ORPHE Professional, Vicki Basman, Chief of Interpretation, Indiana State Parks


Pre-class assignment: Questions for Vicki Basman


Tu/Oct. 27

-Outdoor Updates

-Issues: Managing Invasive Species





Th/Oct. 29

Issues: Diversity in Outdoor Recreation & Parks



F/Oct. 30

Field Trip




Tu/Nov. 3

-Outdoor Updates

-Guest ORPHE Professional, Parker McMullen-Bushman, Education Director, Chincoteague Field Station


Pre-class assignment: Questions for Parker McMullen-Bushman

Th/Nov. 5

-Outdoor Updates

-Outdoor Recreation and Park Management Stories from the Field

Plummer, Ch. 10 (pp. 321-350)


F/Nov. 6

Field Trip




Tu/Nov. 10

-Outdoor Updates

-Adventure Education & Recreation

- Guest ORPHE Professional, Brian Croft, Outdoor Programs Coordinator, IU Outdoor Adventures

Plummer, Ch. 9 (pp. 277-319)

Pre-class assignment: Questions for Brian Croft

Th/Nov. 12

No Class, Work on Projects




Tu/Nov. 17

Issues in Outdoor Recreation and Park Management


“Outdoor Recreation Site Visit and Management Issue Assessment”

Th/Nov. 19

Issues in Outdoor Recreation and Park Management (cont.)



Thanksgiving Break, Nov. 22-29


Tu/Dec. 1

Strategic Scientific Management of Parks and Protected Areas



Th/Dec. 3

-Guest ORPHE Professional, Dr. Joy Marburger, Research Coordinator, Great Lakes Research and Education Center, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore

Marburger (2013); Marburger & Travis (2013) 

Pre-class assignment: Questions for Dr. Joy Marburger


Tu/Dec. 8

Presentation of Final Projects



Th/Dec. 10

Presentation of Final Projects (cont.)







Grading Scale

Grade                         Percentage                             Grade                         Percentage

A+                   97%                                         C+                   77%

A                     93%                                         C                     73%

A-                    90%                                         C-                    70%

B+                   87%                                         D+                   67%

B                     83%                                         D                     63%

B-                    80%                                         D-                    60%

F                      59% & Below


Classroom Expectations

Please treat this class as you would a professional, collaborative setting. My expectation is that we will all work together in a respectful fashion. Specifically, please pay attention to the following:

  • Students should be ready to actively participate in class from beginning until end.
  • Please use technology for class when it is appropriate and being used to enhance your learning, as well as that of everyone else. Please refrain from using technological devices for personal reasons during class time.
  • Refrain from using tobacco products during class.
  • Come to class prepared.
  • Have fun and learn from each other.



Attendance at every class is expected of each student. This course places a great deal of emphasis on your active involvement in the class. You must be able to contribute in a manner, which shows that you have read the assignments and are able to apply it to the discussion.


If you will be missing class due to a religious holiday/observance or extracurricular commitment, you must notify me at the beginning of the semester with the appropriate documentation as specified by university policy Links to an external site..


During some class sessions there will be scored in-class activities. There will be no opportunity to make these up. That said, I do not take formal attendance. You are adults and will be treated as such. If you are unable to make it to class please let me know. I expect this as a common courtesy.



Assigned readings are essential to your learning in this course. Readings should be completed by the class session in which that topic will be covered.



Academic Integrity/Plagiarism

“Academic misconduct is defined as any activity that tends to undermine the academic integrity of the institution. The university may discipline a student for academic misconduct. Academic misconduct may involve human, hard-copy, or electronic resources.” Academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for the course.


Please see the IU Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Links to an external site. for more on academic honesty.


Late Assignments

Late assignments will not be accepted unless cleared in advance with the instructor. All written assignments will be submitted through Oncourse. They will have a set closing time and no assignments will be reopened for any individuals without a personal communication.


Students with Disabilities

Securing accommodations for a student with disabilities is a responsibility shared by the student, the instructor and the Office of Disability Services for Students (DSS) Links to an external site.. Information about support services or accommodations available to students with disabilities, and the procedures to be followed by students and instructors is available from the DSS Office Links to an external site..


Religious Observations

Indiana University respects the right of all students to observe their religious holidays and will make reasonable accommodations, upon request, for such observances. Refer to the IU Policy on Accommodations for Religious Observances Links to an external site. for more information. The Religious Observances, Request for Accommodation Form Links to an external site. is available from the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.


Course Evaluation

Final student course evaluations will be conducted during the last two weeks of the semester in a manner that maintains the integrity of the process and the anonymity of evaluators. I take these evaluations very seriously and make adjustments to course content and delivery based on student input. Please help me and future students by filling out the course evaluation.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due